Failing At Your 20s? You Are In Famous Company

June 26, 2016 | Posted at 5:48 pm | by Paul (Follow User)

Your 20s not going as planned?

Perfect. You’re in great company.

And I’m not just talking about the two million 20-somethings currently blogging about their quarter-life crisis.

No, “failing” in your twenties is a historical rite of a passage. Like being sent out into the wilderness to kill a lion — naked, blindfolded, and wielding a dull stick.


But is experiencing a quarter-life crisis such a terrible thing? Here’s why our 20s detour into the wilderness puts us in the best company imaginable.

The Fabulous and Famous who Failed Their Twenties

Abraham Lincoln – 16th President

If you made it through 5th grade, you’ve heard of this guy. But if you would’ve known Honest Abe when he was thirty years old, you would’ve only known him as a lovable, gangly, unfortunate loser.

Let’s see… Failing your 20s? —You are in famous company


23 years old — Abe runs for the Illinois General Assembly. He’s defeated. By a country mile.

24 — He opens a village store. Same year the store goes belly-up.

25 — He falls in love with Anne Rutledge. At 26, Anne dies.

27 years old — Begins serious pursuit of Mary Owens.

28 years old — Asks Mary Owens to be Mrs. Lincoln. She declines.

Abe enters his 30s struggling with depression along with relationship and political defeats.

Abraham Lincoln tragically exits this world too early in his 50s as the savior of the United States.

Morgan Freeman – Actor Extraordinaire

“Jobs were hard to come by and he continually went hungry, often starving for days before he’d ask his friends for help.” – Morgan Freeman Bio

At 22-years-old, Freeman moved to LA to become an actor and landed an amazing role — transcript clerk at LA city college.

“I went to Hollywood straight away. I got a good running start but the wall was brick.” – Biography Channel, Morgan Freeman

Freeman moved back to New York, taking any role he could. The first time he received a leading role — the play closed in four nights.

Freeman entered his 30s playing bit parts on the Electric Company — a Sesame Street-esque TV show, with his marriage about to end in divorce.

Today he is one of the highest grossing actors around…

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