Trying to fly
Trying to become
Trying to overcome
Wings feeling broken, gone in between
Trying to get back into the sky
But it’s harder than it seems
Trying to believe
Trying to not feel down
Trying to use this one wing I have to get up off the ground
My other wing became broken
Became shot down by someone in disguise
Someone who tried to break me down
Cut me with their lies
They told me to stop dreaming
Stop trying to make my imagination real
Stop trying to become more
Just accept the doubt I feel
How hard that was for me,
As I lied their looking at the sky
I wanted to believe in myself
Not give into their lies
Because I knew my passion was true
I believed in what my dreams could become
I kept refusing to listen to them
I didn’t want their words to make me numb
Because every time I listened
It felt like a part of me died
I couldn’t find a way to get myself up
All of me cried
How could they corrupt me with their words
Make me have disbelief
Because of that… One of my wings became broken, not feeling any relief
Then they left me here
Left me here to figure it out
They didn’t care at all
They just went about
But as I looked up in the sky,
I realized I had one life to live, no more, no less
I refused to let their words or opinions steal me from the best
I pulled that one wing I had left
Got it together, made it strong
I took off for where I longed to go all along
I realized I didn’t need their opinion
I didn’t need their faith in me
All I need was this one wing, you see.
It was enough for my journey, enough for everything I dream
It was enough even when they tried to hurt me or were mean.
Off the ground I go, ready to fly
Ready to soar
Ready to become all I can be and more.
Even with one broken wing,
I fly.
Even With One Broken Wing, Still Get Up And Fly
Photo Credit: (Photo: iStockphoto)