Don’t Be THAT Student! 10 Tips To End The School Year In A Smarter Way

December 1, 2015 | Posted at 9:16 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)

The school year is almost officially over!

But, don’t get too excited yet. Although you may be ready for it to have been over yesterday, we’ve got news for you: it isn’t. Therefore, we recommend that you approach ending it in the smartest ways that you have ever done. To help you end the semester in smarter ways, the RIZZARR team is giving you ten great tips that you will not only make you less stressed, but also confident in your own capabilities.

1. Seek help if you need it.

If during the semester, you found out that you have a learning disability or mental health issue, then make sure to go to the student disability services office at your university before it’s finals time. They will be able send you to get test you for your specific issue and find accommodations that will benefit you.-Corinne Lyons

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


2. Create a schedule for yourself and stick to it.

Set up a system of reward and consequence for sticking to your schedule. Don’t let it be food, drinks or money though. -Corinne Lyons

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


3. Don’t go it alone.

Get a study buddy in each class. Exchange numbers and emails.-Corinne Lyons

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


4. Speak up for yourself if you need to do so.

Talk with your professors if you are having an issue as soon as possible.-Corinne Lyons

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(Photo: Thinkstock)


5. Know yourself and your abilities.

Have faith in what you can and cannot do.-Corinne Lyons

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(Photo: Purestock/ Thinkstock)


6. Don’t be the student who makes a joke out of everything, especially your final assignments.

This will lead to alienation and a stigma with not one but multiple teachers if one brings up your behavior. It is alright to joke but make the humor work for you. Keep it relative to the class with a combination of actually participating. You may end up being a favorite student without the tag of teacher’s/professor’s pet. ~Allan Givens

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


7. If you have the opportunity, then finish all of projects and papers before they’re due. NOT at the last minute.

Don’t trick yourself by thinking that you ONLY work well under pressure. Yes, sometimes life can get busy and you’ll be forced to do some homework in the hours right before it’s due. However, if you want the good grade you have to put time and effort into it. If you know the next big assignment is due in a few weeks, sacrifice some of your weekend and get a head start. It may be hard at first, but trust me, it’ll be worth it when you get an A! -Christianne Rojo

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


8. Never continue to beat yourself up over your “failures” throughout the semester.

This is especially true as you are studying. Every bad grade or issue with a class is an opportunity for improvement. Strive for better; getting angry with yourself for the past will only get in the way of future successes.-Stella Naulo

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


9. Finish reading all of your assigned books!

Tons of the material in those books might show up on your final exam. Also, many of the books you read in high school and college are from distinguished authors who have helped shape the world. These books will help you later on in life unknowingly. One day you will have a thought and remember the page from a particular book. Reading is powerful! Read all you can!-Jennifer Nicole

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(Photo: iStockphoto/ Thinkstock)


10. Take breaks with your besties.

During final time in the first semester of my freshman year, I tended to only study, study, study. I was so paranoid by finals that I really didn’t take time to breathe and as a result, I was super stressed out. I wish I would have taken coffee breaks with my best friends to talk and ease the tension. Take my advice and take breaks. -Ashley M. Williams

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(Photo: Wavebreak Media/ Thinkstock)