Effective Ways To Determine A Vulnerable Internet Connection

March 24, 2020 | Posted at 1:47 am | by Edwin (Follow User)

Out of everything that we have to secure in our lives, oftentimes the online and digital aspect gets left out or forgotten. In this day and age, nearly almost everyone has an online presence. That means all of us are exposed to the threat of data breach and information theft.

The root of the problem is that people assume that they are secured until something finally goes wrong. There have been a ton of publicized large scale data breaches in recent years which made the biggest truth prominent: no one is safe from cybercrimes. The next victim could be a multi-million dollar business or it could be you.

Since most have been securing their social media accounts you probably have a little idea about how digital privacy and security settings go. But just in case you don’t know where to start, here are the effective ways to determine a vulnerable internet connection.

Check connection authority

A basic and essential step to troubleshooting and securing your internet connection is to verify who and how many devices you allow to connect to it. Hackers may use viruses to attack your connection and steal your data. This setting that your internet service provider has is there for those reasons. Your ISP has provided you with a layer of protection so use it well.

Basic requirement that you can utilize to tighten up is your password. Exercise good password practices like combining characters or changing it from time-to-time.

Understand the common threats

Attacks and leaks can come from on and outside your network. They have many different varieties and truth be told, sometimes hackers are not even aware of who they are attacking. Although there are instances where organizations are specifically targeted as globally publicized in recent history.

If it’s your IP address’ exposure that you’re worried about, consider to download vpn for pc or for your other devices for that matter.

Use scanning tools

There are tools online that exist that you can use to scan for any cracks on your firewall or your network. These tools check for open ports, unpatched software, and other weaknesses. Some focus on specific machines as well as the capability of scanning your entire network.

Put vulnerabilities into an inventory

This is absolutely necessary especially for businesses and properties with multiple connections. You should have an accurate inventory of the assets on the networks, operating systems, and softwares these assets run. Also, you should take down anything unknown about your network together with anything that has the potential to be a liability. Having a list of this category will help you determine which assets to secure and what actions to take to protect them.

Penetration test

After finishing an inventory of risks and vulnerabilities, you can conduct a stress-test of sort to see where your current security measures stand. Such tests is a standard way for cybersecurity professionals to check for any gaps in security so they can be dealt with right away.

Your connection’s security should not be overlooked. Checking for vulnerabilities could spell a huge difference from losing a lot of money and your credibility to sitting pretty and comfortable and knowing that your data is still yours.