5 Easy Ways To Be Kinder To Yourself

September 28, 2016 | Posted at 3:44 am | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

We take ourselves for granted far too often.

Our personal well-being and our needs tend to take a backseat to the needs of others. Speaking from experience, I can say it is much easier to care for others and make sure that they are happy than it is to cater to exactly what would make me happy. Why it that? Because taking care of myself feels selfish. I tell myself that if I take care of myself before others, they will suffer or they will be sad. How is that fair?

Frankly, this logic is nonsense. When we do not take care of our needs and wants, we are not being kind to ourselves. I know that if I do not take moments for self-care, I cannot fully care for others. This is what is not fair. It is hard to tell myself that I am just as important as the next person. But I am. And once I accept that I deserve kindness, especially from myself, my happiness will transfer far more easily to those I wish to share it with.

It only takes a few simple tweaks in our daily lives to make sure we are being kind to ourselves. If we can implement five ways to be kinder to ourselves, our positive outlook on life and ourselves has the potential to skyrocket!

Here are five simple ways to be kinder to yourself:

1. Look in the mirror and say (either out loud or to yourself) one thing that you appreciate about what you look like in that moment.

Whether it’s superficial or not, that moment will prove that you are worthy of a compliment.

2. Buy yourself that coffee you’ve been craving all day.

Or the brownie. Or that item in the shop window you know you would rock. In the words of Parks and Rec employees Tom Haverford and Donna Meagle, “TREAT YO’ SELF!”

3. Cut yourself some slack.

We would never criticize our friend if he or she made a little mistake like spilling a glass of water on the table, but we beat ourselves up over the smallest things. If you make a simple mistake, laugh it off and chalk it up to a moment of comic relief…

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