Dream Chasers, Here Are 3 Lessons Some ‘Great Rejects’ Taught Us About Defying Rejection

April 25, 2015 | Posted at 2:03 pm | by Sarah (Follow User)

Hi beautiful dream chaser.

I see you.

I see your passion.

You’ve got a big dream and you want it bad.

You’re dedicated.



You’re working your backside off, but you feel like you’re getting nowhere.

You’re feeling beaten, rejected—like you’re not good enough and it’s never gonna happen.

I get it.

I’ve been there so many times.

But knowing I’m not alone has kept me strong.

When it’s all been too hard and I’ve wanted to quit, I’ve turned to some of the world’s most famous rejects for inspiration.

These authors, actors and advocates for change all suffered from self-doubt and the pain of rejection (some of them hundreds of times) before they reached their goals.

They all have one thing in common.

They didn’t quit.

And you shouldn’t either.

Success could be just around the corner.

Here are three life-changing lessons in success that I’ve learned from some of the greatest rejects of all time: TO CONTINUE READING THIS ARTICLE CLICK HERE


Hi, my name is Sarah Jensen and I am the author of this article about some of the greatest and most famous failures of all time.

Why would I do that, you ask?

It’s simple really.

It’s my reminder to myself and anyone out there with a dream to never, ever give up.

I believe everyone deserves to live their own beautiful and unique vision of an inspired, happy and abundant life. I also know that making that happen can be a whole lot of hard work. It can mean making sacrifices, dealing with rejection and self-doubt and sometimes feeling like it’s never going to happen.

I’ve been there too. There have been times with my business and blog where I thought I’d never get my first or my 100th follower, I’d never get a comment on a blog post, a subscriber to my newsletter and I’d certainly never get an article published on the Elephant Journal.

There were plenty of times when I wanted to give up and I know there will be more of those moments in the future as I grow my business and continue to step outside my comfort zone.

In those moments I remember that even some of the most famous people in history suffered slow going and rejection before they got their message out to the world, but what they all have in common is they never gave up.

Your dreams can come true too. Be inspired by some of the greatest and most famous rejects of all time. Stay true to yourself, believe in yourself and never, ever give up.