Don’t Lose Sight Of What’s Important

February 13, 2018 | Posted at 3:15 pm | by Lukas (Follow User)

A lot of us focus on the details of our lives more than we do the big picture.

In school, we focus more on the grades we got in a test than what we actually learned when we really want to become great at whatever we want to do later in life.

And in our job we focus more on whether or not our boss likes us, when what matters is actually that we get a better pay to be able to support our family.

The importance of keeping the bigger picture in mind is so you have less things to worry about and more control over how your life will turn out.

A lot of things will come your way every day that you could deal with.

You could worry about your future, about the way people perceive you, about how much you are getting paid or about how well you are performing on your New Year’s Resolutions.

But in the end, those things aren’t what matters.

Most things in our future do not matter. What matters is that we achieve the dreams we set for ourselves.

Most people in our lives do not matter, especially the random strangers. What matters are the real friends we make along the way and the people we love.

Most of the money we make doesn’t matter. What matters are the experiences we have by using the money we make.

And most of the New Year’s Resolutions do not matter. What matters is that we try our best, keep our word the best way we can and do better than we did last year.

Whenever you are stressed, stuck, angry, lost, afraid or worried, ask yourself “What’s the bigger picture? Why am I getting so stressed about this? What really matters?”

Will it matter that you do not get everything in your future if you get your dreams?

Would you really get stressed about not being someone everyone likes if you have some people that love you in your life?

Would the money you make really matter if you were honestly happy with the experiences in your life?

And would the New Year’s Resolutions really matter if you tried your best?

We get so worried about all these little things that our life ends up somewhere we never intended it to go.

But when you know why you are doing what you are doing, when put your eyes on what really matters, then all those little things will seem less important.

You will smile a lot more, not take so many things personally, and enjoy the ride of life a lot more!