Don’t Hide From Life – What You Are Doing Wrong When Motivating Yourself

July 1, 2024 | Posted at 8:14 am | by Lukas (Follow User)

The trick here is NOT to motivate yourself.

Allow yourself to procrastinate, to waste your life away, and to miss goal after goal after goal, but never, ever, look away.

Look at all the things you are missing, at everything that is just flying by and all the different forms of life you could have lived that you didn’t. Look at your future while it turns into ashes and allow it to hurt!

Let these things stab you in the heart. Let it burn you up! And, when you cannot take it anymore, then you will not need a reason to be motivated.

Look at the backstories of most High-Performers and you will find a moment where they said “ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!”

There is a moment in each of their lives where they just couldn’t bear doing less than they were capable off and where they dropped everything that wasn’t important to finally lead the life they wanted.

It was one moment that changed it all and one moment where they started to work harder than anyone else.

The problem is that most of us try to run away and turn our attention to something else. We distract ourselves from life so that we do not have to look at those defining moments, because they are scary and uncomfortable. But because of that we never ever get that moment where things click.

Because we keep distracting ourselves with entertainment, friends and other distractions we never feel so terrible that we say “Enough is Enough! I am done wasting my life away! I am done being less than I can be! I am sick and tired of living a life less than what I want! I AM DONE!”

Allow yourself to feel terrible right now about what you are doing, so much so that you cannot bear it any longer and do something about it, because that is when things shift!

When you finally give up on waiting for things to fall into your lap and when you finally decide to take matters into your own hands, that is when things shift. But you have to allow yourself to get to that state first.

Gain that emotional event that will define you and take that to move forward.

If you don’t get emotional about your life it will simply be a reason that will last for a couple weeks before it disappears into the void. That’s why, although it will hurt and suck, you have to look at the problems and the pain your life is creating.

Look the monster straight in the eyes and know that it was YOU who has created it. Once you cannot bear to look at it anymore, that is when you win.