Transition Yourself From Driving To Biking

October 3, 2015 | Posted at 10:01 pm | by Harnoor (Follow User)

It may be a little past Bike to Work Day, but I believe that it should (and can be) celebrated on any day.

If you’re not familiar with Bike to Work Day, it’s an annual event held to promote the act of commuting to work using a bicycle. It is celebrated in the month of May each year and it is a great event to commemorate as Bike to Work Day saves energy costs, protects the environment, and even helps to keep you fit.

Biking from place to place is an amazing energy-efficient method of transportation. It’s amazing how something so easy as biking can be the solution to saving money and energy. By biking, there is no need to pay for gas because biking only involves the power of your legs to drive you forward. And biking not only saves money, but it also saves energy since precious fossil fuel – like gasoline – is not being used.

In this 21st century we live in, protecting the environment has been a growing issue lately with the increased pollution that people produce each year. This pollution is caused mostly by the amount of vehicles on the road. And unfortunately, it’s this pollution that’s impacting the ozone layer in the sky.

(Photo: Thinkstock)

(Photo: Thinkstock)

With this constant cycle of pollution, dangerous UV rays enter the Earth’s atmosphere. This causes us to suffer from serious problems such as cancer, specifically skin cancer. Therefore, protecting the environment is vital, because it will save future generations from suffering from our stupidity.

And last but not least, Bike to Work Day is important because it also promotes fitness. Biking is a form of exercise and is a great thing to constantly practice, as the average person needs an hour of daily exercise to stay healthy. Exercise causes less depression, stress as well as anxiety from a day’s work. It even keeps a person healthy and enables good health results in the longevity of a person’s lifetime.

So for these reasons and more, celebrate Bike to Work Day each year (and any day when you can) to successfully save energy costs, to protect the environment, and to keep yourself fit. Be proud and bike to work this year for a change and spread this message!