Don’t Be Alive To Take Up Space. Truly Live!

March 18, 2015 | Posted at 12:58 am | by Christianne (Follow User)

Always leave it to music to give us life lessons.

A few minutes ago I heard a song on the radio in which one of the lyrics said, “Sometimes it feels like I’m breathing, but am I alive?”

This lyric truly hit me hard. It got me thinking- and yes I know, I may sound like an overrated philosopher when I ask this- but, what is living? How does one truly live the life that God has given them?

We live in an era that’s bombarded with phrases like “YOLO” and “live it up.” But I don’t think we truly know what this means beyond the superficial. See, these phrases simply point to the surface; to live in the moment. But living is so much more than a moment of euphoria and pleasure. When we choose to consume our lives with this, we begin to live life selfishly by our standards. This can be dangerous because when we rely on ourselves, we reach a point, as imperfect beings, where we begin to doubt ourselves. Sadly, we begin to doubt our talents and dreams. And when this happens, we aren’t living- we’re just taking up space. After a while we become consumed with fear.

The good thing is that this isn’t how life is supposed to be lived!

The reality is that we were made by a God who has a plan for our lives far more amazing than we can ever imagine! He is asking us to take a stand and to trust in Him to lead us to our destiny! He created you with a desire on your heart to fulfill a mission on this earth that only you can fulfill. So do us a favor, Listen to the voice of God and follow that desire that he planted in you.

When we choose to take a leap of faith and keep our eyes fixed on God and His vision for us, it is then that we truly begin to live. Ask Him to guide you and lead you! Don’t stay frozen in your fear.

God is the only one that will be able to sustain you through life’s ups and downs, especially when you are on the path to living out your dreams and destiny! When the world tells you that you can’t, don’t worry because your Heavenly Father has overcome the world!

Truly living starts with one decision. This decision is to believe that you were made to leave a positive mark on the world. Delete the negative doubts in your head and ears. Look to the Cross. Listen to God and live!

“But Jesus looked at them and said, ‘ With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.” ~Matthew 19:26