Do This If You Are Struggling To Find Your Passion

August 15, 2017 | Posted at 5:45 pm | by Jennifer (Follow User)

Many of us find ourselves trying to find our passion or dream job after graduation. What if you don’t know what you’re passionate about, though? Even though you’ve spent your whole life with yourself, it’s not always easy to know what you were put here to do. Here are a few things you can do to get pointed in the right direction.

List out things that you like to do, even if you don’t think it would make money

Yes, I know you’ve heard this a thousand times, but it works. I mean really list the things you like to do. All of them from binge watching Netflix on Saturdays, to drinking on Wednesday nights. Include things you might enjoy like writing, speaking, meeting new people, reading etc. Even if you think it’s something that could never make any money put it down. This gives you a good map of your interest and from there you can make more connections. For example, if you really love going to happy hours after work ask yourself, why is that? Do you enjoy being around other people? Maybe you like making people laugh. Maybe being around other people recharges you. These things are important to note when looking to find your ‘dream job/career’. Jobs for really social people include being radio/TV host, working in sales, or even a being an entertainer such as an actress or singer. Try and make connections between what you like to do and the skills you have.

Ask your friends what you’re good at

This is a good one because often times we don’t realize we’re good at something but others can see it so easily. Do your friends always ask you to do their makeup? Are you the go person in your circle for fixing things if they break down? Sometimes other people can see and acknowledge our own strengths better than we can. The great part about this is that once you’ve identified a skill that comes effortlessly to you it becomes so much easier to match it to a career that fits you.

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