Do These 20 Things To Make A Positive Impact (Even In The Smallest Way)

February 23, 2016 | Posted at 6:15 pm | by The RIZZARR Team (Follow User)


Tell someone about how much you appreciate them


Give someone who needs it a big hug


Take time to recycle


Help someone with a project


Buy someone lunch or coffee


Pay it forward


Offer to do a favor for someone


Write someone a kind note or email


Start an social impact campaign you’re passionate about


Inspire someone with some encouraging words


Be the change you wish to see


Mentor someone younger than you


Treat someone like you want to be treated


Spend time with an elderly person


Check in on someone you care about by calling them


Smile at someone who looks down


Donate to a charity


Take time to meet with someone who needs advice


Volunteer for an organization you’re passionate about


Always be kind to others