Dear Social Media Users, Beware.

September 16, 2015 | Posted at 12:59 pm | by Robynn Hall (Follow User)

Social networks have become very friendly-user for many people; be it celebrities, everyday citizens, ministries, politicians, and etc.


Everyone has jumped on the social networking bandwagon! One of the most widely used networks is Twitter, where individuals can follow their favorite celebrities, friends, ministries, politicians, etc.  and read their status updates.


For example, let’s say that Kobe Bryant is your favorite basketball player. You are able to go to his twitter page and follow him to be updated on every status change he does. Sometimes individuals simply make status updates about upcoming events they have coming up.


Other times, it may be a status just to encourage others, while other times it may be a random yet current reflection of their thoughts. Some of these updates may contain vulgar language, sexually explicit pictures, or words that are not edifying.


Let’s take Kim Kardashian as an example celebrity to follow. She is a widely-known reality TV personality and has thousands of individuals from all over the world following her. Yes, she had a reality show in the past. However, it is a fact that Kim Kardashian became known/famous due to an aired sex tape with a well-known music artist/actor Ray-J {Brandy’s brother}. She has been married and divorced twice, as well as been involved in other adult films. We realize that we all aren’t perfect, but when one has a high platform, it seems it’s important to use your platform for the greater good… to actually add value to something within the world.


What can this woman offer to all these individuals who feel the need to follow her? The word of God tells us, “But thou, O man of God, flee these things; and follow after righteousness, godliness, faith, love, patience, meekness” {1 Timothy 6:11}. I understand that everyone has a past and no one is perfect, but what actions are you taking to demonstrate that you are not only living and learning, but  applying? We all know that it is a process that one crawls before walking and follows before leading. The kind of follower you are determines the type of leader you will become, so consider the values, behaviors, and characteristics of the individuals that you follow.


Do you not know that it is that which is in a man that will come out? Think about this. When we are treated badly by people on our jobs, how do we react? If we fill ourselves with profane language, violent movies, disrespectful behavior, then guess how we will respond? Negatively. However, when we are consumed by love, peace, joy, respectful behavior, we tend to appropriately handle the situation and sometimes are even complimented for our behavior by a by-stander.


When we follow, we are pursuing, closely watching and listening; we are interested in understanding that someone or something. In fact, children follow in the footsteps of their guardians. This is why some children do not understand the wrong in using profanity while others do, because their “leaders” have ordered their steps.


It is vital that we guard our hearts, eyes, and ear gates. “Let no corrupt communication proceed out of your mouth, but that which is good to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace unto the hearers” {Ephesians 4:29}.


Who do you follow? Who leads your decisions?  Is it bringing forth edification in your life?

Think about it.