Daily Ripples

January 10, 2015

January 10, 2015

"Successful people maintain a positive focus in life no matter what is going on around them. They stay focused on their past successes rather than their past failures, and on the next action steps they need to take to get them closer to the fulfillment of their goals rather than all the other distractions that life presents to them."

~Jack Canfield

January 9, 2015

January 9, 2015

“When we show people that something is possible that they didn't think was possible it does more than just change things. It changes the way people think about the possibility of things changing. It helps them see that life is not the same day-after day, unsurprising, unending drudgery that so much of life teaches them that it is. And that is a huge contribution to their humanity.”

~Dan Pallotta

January 8, 2015

January 8, 2015

You have to fight through some bad days to earn the best days of your life.


January 7, 2015

January 7, 2015

"Faith is the strength by which a shattered world shall emerge into the light."

~Helen Keller

January 6, 2015

January 6, 2015

"Find a place inside where there's joy, and the joy will burn out the pain."

~Joseph Campbell

January 5, 2015

January 5, 2015

"Work hard for what you want because it won't come to you without a fight. You have to be strong and courageous and know that you can do anything you put your mind to. If somebody puts you down or criticizes you, just keep on believing in yourself and turn it into something positive."

~Leah LaBelle

January 4, 2015

January 4, 2015

"Positive thinking will let you do everything better than negative thinking will."

~Zig Ziglar

January 3, 2015

January 3, 2015

"Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe."
