Daily Ripples
March 14, 2016
"Great people are simply ordinary people who have an extraordinary amount of determination. They just keep on going. They realize they’re never a failure until they quit."
~Rick Warren
March 13, 2016
"Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase."
~Martin Luther King, Jr.
March 12, 2016
“There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power of our will.”
March 11, 2016
"To achieve anything, you first have to believe in yourself. Period. Then, you will find everything in you needed to succeed. But first, you have to believe it."
March 10, 2016
"Very little is needed to make a happy life; it is all within yourself, in your way of thinking."
~Marcus Aurelius
March 9, 2016
“It doesn’t matter where you are, you are nowhere compared to where you can go.”
~Bob Proctor
March 8, 2016
"Don't worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try."
~Jack Canfield