Daily Ripples

March 10, 2017

March 10, 2017

"Excellence is not a destination; it is a continuous journey that never ends."

~Brian Tracy

March 7, 2017

March 7, 2017

"Everyone can rise above their circumstances and achieve success if they are dedicated to and passionate about what they do."

~Nelson Mandela

March 6, 2017

March 6, 2017

"The fishermen know that the sea is dangerous and the storm terrible, but they have never found these dangers sufficient reason for remaining ashore."

~Vincent Van Gogh

March 5, 2017

March 5, 2017

“I am going to make everything around me beautiful - that will be my life.”

~Elsie De Wolfe

March 4, 2017

March 4, 2017

"Success is liking yourself, liking what you do, and liking how you do it."

~Maya Angelou

March 3, 2017

March 3, 2017

"I'm choosing love for everybody, just trying to lift everyone. Even when I disagree with someone, I'm wishing them the best and hoping for the best because we can't win the other way."

~Pharrell Williams