Lukas Schwekendiek


About Lukas Schwekendiek FOLLOW

Born in Germany on May 6th, 1993, Lukas spent the first part of his life making many friends. Something drew people to him from a very early age onward.

At age 13 he moved to the United States with his family where he then fell in love with the Theater, which fueled a passion for speaking. During these teenage years he was able to easily connect with people on a deep level.

Back then his friends would already seek his advice, which was the first sign of the journey he would take that lead him to become the influential and powerful Motivational Writer & High-performance coach that he is today.

However, it wasn't a clear cut journey.
At age 18 he had his first Depression. He was apathetic about his life, nothing seemed to interest him anymore, and he spent most of his days supporting his video game addiction.

After three months of this, the last week of which he spent just lying in bed, he knew something had to change. He decide to move back to Germany and pursue his passion in helping people by studying Psychology.

Over the next 4 years Lukas spent his time learning about himself. He meditated daily, listened to Spiritual Gurus and Self-Improvement Experts from all over the world and studying Psychology... but he still did not felt like he belonged. Something was still missing.

On April 22nd, 2014 he snapped.
He took a look back at his life after failing an Exam and realized he still wasn't where he wanted to be. His entire life he struggled to get ahead, joining college courses in 10th grade and spending his summers in school as well, all for him to end up still failing.

This brought him to a point where he felt as though he had accomplished nothing in his life, and when he turned to his friends he realized that no one would understand. He was all alone.

With this realization brought him to the brink of a Major Depressive Episode in which he was left with just two choice: To change his life completely or to end his life.

Lukas had been trying to change his life for 4 years now, and it didn't work; he knew that. So only one option remained.

The only thing that stopped him from suicide that night was fear.

After that night he really only had one choice. Since he could not end his life the only path that remained was to change his life completely, even though he didn't even know how to begin.

But he did it anyway.
From here on out a huge change began that would change his life forever. Lukas started to write daily, he grew his confidence, explored outside his comfort zone and started to pursue his own path.

Over the next 18 months Lukas only kept growing rapidly. He was inspired by Experts such as Jim Rohn, Brendon Burchard, Tony Robbins and Tom Bilyeu and visited Seminars all over the world. He read almost 200 books about Self-Improvement and Personal Development in those 18 months before he started to coach.

It didn't take long for people to recognize him. His writing was featured on TIME, The Huffington Post,, Medical Daily, the International Business Times and more. Within less than a year his following grew from 50 to over 28,000 people with millions reading and learning from his content.

Now Lukas works with several companies, CEOs and individuals on Performance, Sales, Motivation and finding their path in life.

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