Dr. Aparajita Jeedigunta


About Dr. Aparajita Jeedigunta FOLLOW

Do you worry about how to leverage your unique skillsets and voice to be acknowledged and recognized for your contributions as a thoughtful, considerate, inclusive, impactful leader? Have you found yourself thinking that you don't know how to navigate the changing workforce? Did you know that as the workforce changes, so do all previously lauded leadership styles and theories? Did you know that following age old scripts keeps us from leveraging our diversity to our benefits? Do you want to evolve into a 21st Century leader?

We know that following outdated scripts isn't the path to self-actualization or success. Whether you look at wisdom from thousands of years ago, or, the giants of modern world, this principle holds true. Innovative, inclusive, inspiring leadership and impact only happen when you ditch conformity. Your business's profitability, growth and sustainability into the future depend on your evolution and transformation into being a 21st Century leader. Modern leadership is not about individual heroes, hierarchical titles and positions. 21st Century leadership is about building collaborative environments of belongingness that allow individuals to come together because of their unique skillsets (and not in spite of them), to create high performing, cohesive, truly diverse and inclusive teams that converge to amplify the organization's goals and contributions to society.

I help individuals and businesses get out of the groupthink that's been holding them back. I help transform people into 21st Century leaders who learn, empower, grow and thrive together, in collaborative spaces where everyone can belong. Whether you are one person, or an organization, I can help you become a confident, respected leader who is seen, heard, valued and most importantly, recognized for your contributions to inclusivity, no matter what your space is.

This is the only way forward into this Century. Our world demands our collaboration so we can do right by our future generations.

Contact Dr. Aparajita