Some Ways You Can Create A Dorm Life That You Actually Enjoy
So you want to live with six girls?
Fabulous. They will be the most caring, compassionate and intelligent people you have ever encountered — but when you put so many people in an enclosed space, issues tend to manifest.
(Image courtesy of Proud2BMe)
College is a vulnerable time for young men and women in regards to developing disordered eating. Living in tight quarters, especially with friends who are bringing disordered eating to the table, can be tough.
Not only is it challenging and concerning because you love your friends and roommates, but for those who have existing issues with disordered eating, this can be a push over the edge. When I arrived at my new apartment this past fall, I found my roommates had just as many issues with food as I did—sad, but not uncommon. It can be difficult to speak up in this situation, but here are some things I found helpful when creating a positive living environment.
1. Refrain from commenting on each other’s meals.
Seriously, just don’t do it. Not only is this in the interest of minding your own business, but just a simple comment of “Wow! That looks super rich.” can send someone into a spiral of negative thoughts. It’s important you and your roommates can have an open conversation about food—but keeping comments to yourself will go a long way in minimizing the anxiety your roomies may feel at any given meal.
2. Have weekly family dinners.
Food is a beautiful thing, important in every culture and society. When you leave for college, meals become an event that happens in a dining hall, in front of your computer or while you’re walking on your way to class...
To read the rest of this story from our partner, Proud2BMe, click here.