How To Create A Relaxing Space At Home To Get Better Rest

Getting time to yourself it’s getting harder and harder every day, especially when you have kids or parents that you need to take care of, or if you have a high powered, fast-paced career. One of the best things that you can do for yourself is to make sure that you have some time to yourself at home so that you can relax. Here are some easy ways that you can convert in your existing space into one that will help you to feel more like yourself and get better sleep at night.

Remove Clutter

One of the best ways to make sure that you’re safe is peaceful to Declutter everything you can see. Clutter is a huge problem for both our mental and sleep health. It makes you feel significantly more disorganized than you are and makes it harder for you to relax. If you need the space to 

Make Decor Restful

You should also aim to make sure that any decorations that you do have are as relaxing or as peaceful as they possibly can be. That means you should avoid loud or mirrored decorations in spaces you spend a lot of time in before bed. These decorations can make it a lot harder for you to relax because they are distracted and increase the amount of light that your eyes take in. 


Aim for Peace and Quiet

Last but not least, you should always try to have a quiet space that you can spend time in before bed. If you have kids, try and set boundaries with them when you have the door shut or at a certain time. 


You can also play relaxing music throughout the room if you want to help your brain to calm down and focus on relaxation. You can use this time to meditate, do yoga or simply sit somewhere where no one needs anything from you. All of that will help you to relax and get a better night's sleep.


Other Ways To Improve your Sleep

Update your Mattress

If you find yourself struggling to get comfortable or waking up with aches and pains, you probably need a new mattress that is more suited for your needs. 


Cool It Down

In order to get your best rest, you should have your room between 60 and 67 degrees Fahrenheit and make sure there is moving air in your bedroom.


Avoid Meals, Snacks Before Bed

One of the main reasons people struggle with waking up in the middle of the night is because they ate too close to bedtime or ate things that disagree with them. Avoid indigestion by leaving three to four hours between your last meal and bedtime.


Put Your Phone Away

Phones are a huge issue for a lot of people because the notifications are neverending and it draws your attention even when you’re trying to relax. Try putting your phone out of your reach and on Do Not Disturb when you relax and head for bed.