College Life Hacks 101: What You Didn’t Know That You Need To Know

September 1, 2015 | Posted at 12:00 am | by Allan Givens (Follow User)

Are you going or returning to college this fall?

There might be some things that you think you know about it.

And, there also might be some things that you may have no clue about.

Instead of just “getting by” this school year, I’m going to offer you some tips to make the whole going to college thing full of smooth navigation.

#1. Do background checks on your professors before taking any of their courses.

 (Photo: Wavebreak Media/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Wavebreak Media/ Thinkstock)


You can do this in various ways from consulting an older student or an advisor. Chances are your instructor is posted on Rate My Professor or similar sites. See what other students had to say about their teaching methods and personality. Trust me, it can save you a lot of time and trouble down the line. I mean c’mon, you check ratings for movies, so why not look up someone who controls a portion of your future?

#2. Rent or share books.

 (Photo: Digital Vision/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Digital Vision/ Thinkstock)


I only purchased books my freshmen year of college. I was highly frustrated as only a few of my professor actually used the books while the others posted everything required online. That is not to say you will never need your book though. You are likely on a budget though so why spend hundreds of dollars for something you will not use? There are multiple sites where you can rent or buy used. Try and track down students from the previous semester or share with a classmate. I actually met a lot of people on campus by sharing books, which turned into study groups and sometimes dates (win-win).

#3. Want to avoid being that freshmen (or transfer student) who walks around with a map?

 (Photo: Thinkstock)

(Photo: Thinkstock)


Then, go online and study the campus map weeks in advance. It’s that simple. You’ll be the one giving directions to other students, another great way to meet people and avoid being late to your courses.

#4. If you are living off campus and can’t cook, get a job at a dining hall.

(Photo: Wavebreak Media/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Wavebreak Media/ Thinkstock)


Hey, you never know. Your job may give a discount or even free food. I guess you could also befriend someone with a job at a dining hall since they may get a lot of extra food, too? Whatever the case, you could try any of these options… or you could pay for a lot of take out.

#5. And finally, know that the *best* time to wash clothes is early in the morning on weekends.

(Photo: Martin Poole, Digital Vision/ Thinkstock)

(Photo: Martin Poole, Digital Vision/ Thinkstock)


On most campuses, everyone is still sleeping in from previous night’s events. On my college campus, the staff expected for students to sleep in on the weekends so breakfast was actually served up until the afternoon. So going back to laundry, if I were you, I would get up around 9 or 10 in the morning on the weekends and just get it done.

Trust me, it’s better than waiting for a machine later when you have to get to the library in order to do your ten page paper.