Can I Become A Digital Nomad? Your Top Questions, Answered!

January 17, 2022 | Posted at 12:43 am | by Ciera (Follow User)

Digital nomads have a type of freedom your average nine to five worker doesn’t. Digital nomads work remotely, allowing them to travel from place to place. Most of them work from a hotel room, temporary home, or another type of rental. 

Typically, digital nomads have a home they return to every so often to visit family and rest after a long time away. However, being a nomad means they’re always on the move going from place to place. Does the digital nomad lifestyle sound good? Here’s what you need to know about becoming one. 

What Is the Digital Nomad Lifestyle All About?

Digital nomads don’t have a job they’re required to go to every day. However, now that remote job opportunities are becoming more plentiful, you can be a digital nomad who works a remote full-time job. Typically, though, digital nomads are freelancers who prefer to work when they want to. 

These individuals can typically choose their own clients and work environment, and they even get to decide when they work. They can choose to work at 9 pm if they’ll be productive and get work done. 

Can Anyone Become a Digital Nomad?

The short answer to this question is no. Not everyone can live the digital nomad lifestyle because it requires a lot of change, including moving around a lot. If you’re someone who likes to pack their entire home in their suitcase, then being a digital nomad is not for you. Typically, digital nomads live out of suitcases and enjoy traveling. If you’re someone who prefers to stay home, then you’re better off being a remote worker with a permanent home. 

The good news is anyone can become a digital nomad if they’re capable of living the lifestyle and want to live life on their terms. However, if you have responsibilities at home, such as children or pets, then becoming a digital nomad is not the right choice for you. Despite that, many people find that making this lifestyle change is great for their physical and mental health.

How Do I Become a Digital Nomad?

If you’re still interested in becoming a digital nomad, you should start planning. If you have a nine-to-fine, consider getting a few clients of your own before you quit your job and book your plane ticket. The process is going to be different for each person. Some individuals are comfortable quitting their jobs and booking a flight the same day, while others will need more planning and preparation. 

To become a digital nomad, all you have to do is have a way to make money so you can continue to travel around the world. If you need a little more structure, consider making a list of all of the things you need to accomplish before you can become a digital nomad. For example, if you rent an apartment, it might be worth waiting until your lease is up before you research moving companies that can help you put everything in storage. 

Who Shouldn’t Become a Digital Nomad?

While you should never let us tell you that you can’t be a digital nomad, you might want to consider a different lifestyle if you’re someone who:

  • Doesn’t enjoy the change
  • Hates traveling
  • Doesn’t have enough money to start traveling
  • Has pets or children that don’t travel well
  • Doesn’t have a passport
  • Wants to spend more time with family and friends

What Exactly Do Digital Nomads Do With Their Time?

Digital nomads must create a unique work/life/travel balance. Most people often wonder about a digital nomad’s work, but digital nomads do more than work since they’ve chosen this lifestyle to enjoy a more rewarding life full of travel. 

As far as work is concerned, many digital nomads are freelancers. However, they can also be individuals who find short-term jobs wherever they go, such as working in restaurants or retail. A digital nomad doesn’t have a regular, constant stream of income, so some months will be better than others. 

As far as the life aspect of the digital nomad lifestyle, digital nomads can do anything they want. They typically end up in great places full of rich cultures to experience, allowing them to learn about new people, places, and things.

When it comes to traveling, a digital nomad can travel as often or as little as they like; it all depends on their preferences. If a nomad finds a place they like, they might stay there for many months at a time before moving on. 

Where Do Digital Nomads Live?

Digital nomads can live anywhere they want as long as they’re comfortable there. Many book extended-stay hotel rooms, while others may have a temporary apartment that allows them to pay month-to-month. Many digital nomads live in places with lower costs of living, while others prefer vibrant cities which tend to be more expensive. For those that choose to have a temporary apartment, it is important to pack light and carry items that have sentimental value to you. Some enjoy collecting art prints of places they’ve traveled, while others choose to bring their camera and take their photos. Either way, digital nomads are known for living on the go. 

How Much Money Do Digital Nomads Make?

Being a digital nomad is a lifestyle, not a career, so digital nomads can make any amount of money they’re capable of. There is no limit to the amount of money a digital nomad can make, depending on their craft or trade. However, money isn’t the most important thing to a digital nomad.

Most individuals don’t become digital nomads because they want to make tons of money. Instead, they’re more interested in having the freedom to travel and explore new places. 

Do Digital Nomads Pay Taxes?

Digital nomads are required to pay taxes, but how they pay taxes can be complicated. Typically, to which government digital nomads pay their taxes depends on their nationality, the countries where they earn their money, and where they are considered legal residents. So, even if you’ve been living in Brazil for many months, if you’re a resident of the United States and your clients are based in the United States, you’ll pay taxes to the United States government. 


Becoming a digital nomad is a life-changing decision that can impact the rest of your life. The good news is that you can always change your mind and come home whenever you want. Unfortunately, it might not always be as easy as packing your bags and hopping on a plane, but becoming a digital nomad wasn’t easy either, and you found a way to do that. Still, want to become a digital nomad after reading this? Start planning your next adventure.