Dear friends,
As a child, I always believed in quantity over quality when it came to everything. Quantity in material possessions, quantity in skills and quantity in the company I kept.
I would like to thank you for allowing me to trust in the quality of your friendship over the quantity of other “friendships.”
Of course, this revelation didn’t happen over night.
I had to learn that having many friends and acquaintances did not mean that everyone had my back and did not mean that everyone saw me as a “friend” the way I saw them. Naturally, my experience helped alter my opinions.
The true-blue few friends I have today show me what it truly means to call someone a friend. Tears are welcome, frustrations are encouraged and 3 a.m. emergency phone calls are always an option.
So, thank you friends, for showing me that friendship is a two-way street, and encouraging me to seek out those relationships that are more meaningful than bountiful.