While studying abroad, I took a Biomedical Ethics course and I absolutely loved it!
Simultaneously, I was able to concentrate on medicine and philosophical ethics. During the course, we focused a lot on the physician/patient relationship. A very important aspect that I learned about was the competency of the doctor.
Even after medical school, physicians have the duty to remain abreast on latest epidemics, resources, treatment, and more so that they may be able to provide the best care for their patients. I often think about the position I was in when the Lord began to draw me nigh and I remind myself that I need to have a growing passion and zeal for the Lord each day that I serve Him. 2 Peter 3:18 (KJV): “18 But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To him be glory both now and for ever. Amen.”
I don’t know any Christians who consciously agree to become slack in their walk with the Lord. However, I believe that we all have been guilty of at some point saying, “Oh, I’ll read the Bible later,” “I’ve prayed about that a long time ago,” or, “I already know that.”
While we may have prayed about something many weeks, months, or years ago that doesn’t mean the Father doesn’t want us to remain fervent in prayer about it. When we first receive salvation, we are usually in a bad place and we yearn for God to give us peace and a breakthrough. However, once some of our strongholds are broken reading the Bible can ‘come later.’ This is always something to be aware of as a vessel for the Lord, especially in the last days we are always to be aware of the seducing spirits and the anti-Christ, which may be trying to exalt itself against the knowledge of Christ. So how can we be God’s soldiers if we don’t know the tactics and resources of the enemy? How can we remain competent and effective for the Father if we are still holding onto yesterday’s prayers and this morning’s Bible reading?
Sure, we have busy schedules, but as soon as we put life before God, we become ineffective. God isn’t overbearing and He allows us to take care of business as long as we have everything in its proper place. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 (KJV): “16 Rejoice evermore.17 Pray without ceasing.18 In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”

Jones: “I also noticed that when I had done particularly well in a semester, the semester following became a ‘comfortable semester’ and it showed in my grades.” (Photo: Thinkstock)
As humans, we always want to be comfortable. We love to be comfortable actually, which I know to be true for myself. I hate discomfort, but I have learned from the 20 years of my own life that I have always performed best when I was uncomfortable. Moving to new locations and attending new schools usually produced some of the best aspects of my life. However, I also noticed that when I had done particularly well in a semester, the semester following became a “comfortable semester” and it showed in my grades.
To anyone who watches the pattern of my grades, he or she will see that in the beginning I’m excited and do well. But then comfort sets in, so I become LAZY. Then, I become anxious to do well again, and later, my grades improve and the cycle continues. For many years, I couldn’t understand why I would operate in that way. However, now I understand that it is simply because I am human. Whether it be in the realm of academia or relationships, comfort is bad business. For example, when entering a relationship, people will go the extra mile to “woo” the other individual. However, the moment that they feel as if they are “accomplished” their comfort kicks in.
This is when many become upset with their spouses, because they feel like they are no longer with the person that they married. Women sometimes marry a man who they believe will always send them flowers when appropriate and who will spend hours looking for the most extravagant restaurant to dine. And on the other hand, men will also marry women believing that their wives will work effortlessly to surprise them with their favorite dish or who will spend hours in stores finding cute things to add to their well furnished homes. Certainly, many things come with marriage and not all things will remain the same, but I am simply mentioning how comfort and ultimately laziness can cause someone to quickly become disgusted. This goes way beyond spending money and eating, but even concerning the small things, like saying I love you.
If a couple can become exasperated, because of they are being too comfortable and not truly caring about each other, then how do you think God feels when we act like we really don’t care or love Him? How do you think God feels when we are going through tough times and question whether or not we should even follow Him, because it’s too hard, it’s too uncomfortable, or we don’t feel like it? And how do you think He feels when we tell Him we no longer have to bind and rebuke that spirit because we are done with “doing that?”
The Bible tells us that Satan comes to really tempt us and draw us away from God during really difficult seasons– especially during those seasons in which we are in a crossroads of choosing to believe in God, or choosing to simply forget Him. Yet, since Christ has delivered many of us from countless forms of bondage, we should never stop praising Him or following His rule due to our thoughts of being invincible. Indeed, it is in this moment in which we think we are humble that we are not humble and often lose our respect for God, His ways, and His rules…
Understand that we should be confident and assured that God will deliver us. But we also should never be too comfortable and let down our guard. We should never be “so holy” that we cannot take constructive criticism, or be open to hear a word from a brother or sister in the Lord. Scripture makes it clear that the journey with Christ requires us to be competent each day, each hour, each minute, and each second. Therefore, we need to grow in His glory daily, and the only way we can do that is if we constantly thirst for His living water.

Jones: “Understand that we should be confident and assured that God will deliver us.” (Photo: Thinkstock)
Whenever I read a verse and I see something that mentions the words “daily” or “every,” I try to make a mental note of it. When I received salvation, I wasn’t sure how often I should pray a certain prayer or enter His gates with praise. Luke 9:23 (KJV): “23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.”
People even often ask me: How often do you think that should I thank Him for deliverance? How often do you think I need to read the Word? When someone asks me any of these questions, here’s my answer: every chance you get.
We are called to be the salt of the Earth, but if our salt loses its savour, what can we preserve? Satan is always lurking and sin is always knocking at our doors. How can we stand it without constantly renewing our minds?
The life of a Christian is dangerous. if it weren’t then we wouldn’t need the Father and His protection. How can we be vessels if we leave our crosses at home? God tells us to pick up our cross daily; it is no good in our attic. We are to be living testimonies. The Lord’s work in and through us doesn’t stop when we get saved, it is simply that it then becomes alive. I can tell all of you about the story of my salvation, but I too have stories up to this day about the mighty works of God. The Father is always prompt and ready to do work. God always knows about our current situation and He is always a step ahead of us. So why are we always trying to identify with yesterday?
Well, we must realize that the same way in which we find refuge in the Lord’s competency, we to also need to find peace in offering Him our lives as a living sacrifice so that we may be competent and faithful in Him. We cannot do this on our own, as we already agreed that we are naturally lazy individuals. There is too much danger in being comfortable. God to great to serve while only being “comfortable.”
While I tend to lean toward comfort by nature, I am willing to be uncomfortable for Christ. God takes us from glory to glory but while that journey takes place we must earnestly pray that our competency in Christ doesn’t get lost in translation.
While I tend to lean toward comfort by nature, I am willing to be uncomfortable for Christ. God takes us from glory to glory but while that journey takes place we must earnestly pray that our competency in Christ doesn’t get lost in translation. Romans 12:2 (KJV): “2 And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.”
Father, we thank You for our salvation. We come to You asking that You may keep us on our toes, always finding ways to better please You. We are naturally lazy beings, not wanting to remain uncomfortable. However, our walk with You is important and we are willing to be uncomfortable so that we can produce Your fruit. Salt without savour is good for nothing other than to be trampled underfoot. You have been too good to us and You never deserve lukewarm vessels.
You were never lukewarm to us. When we need You, You’re there. When we call, You answer. Lord, please help us stop sending You to voicemail, because we think we know “the message You’ll leave.” Please allow us to pray against all sins and all wickedness in high places because while You are constantly delivering us, Satan and his angels are always trying to find ways to bind us again. When one demon is gone, another is waiting to be addressed. When one battle is won, another is waiting to be fought. We are Your soldiers Lord, please train us to keep our boots on and our guns aimed while in war; even after a win.
There is no place for feelings in the Kingdom and “feeling” strong in the Lord and “feeling” like we are past that point are not attitudes we should have. We should always look for ways to better go toward the mark for the prize of God that we have been called to in Christ Jesus. Amen.