Being A Good Digital BFF Is More Than Faithfully Hitting “Like”

June 27, 2016 | Posted at 1:35 pm | by Augusta (Follow User)

Technology has changed everything, including what it means to be a “good friend”.

It used to be that being a good friend meant you sat together at lunch, passed notes to each other in class and sat on the phone talking for hours. Now you’re considered a good friend if you like every single photo shared on Instagram and send hourly updates via Snapchat.

This isn’t just a “teen thing” I can’t tell you how many times I get a message from my friend asking me to quickly log on to Instagram and like their photo. When I am scrolling through my feed, I automatically “like” everyone of my friends updates. I honestly can’t decide if I do this out of loyalty or if we are so close that I actually really like everything they post. I like to think it is that I genuinely enjoy their posts, but I have a feeling loyalty plays a factor.


But being a good friend in the digital age means so much more than just faithfully hitting like.

We spend a lot of time talking about cyberbullying and how to teach kids not to lash out and say cruel things to each other online. But usually those conversations are based on interactions between people who don’t get along. It is equally as important that when we teach children about digital citizenship that we also talk to them about how they treat their friends online. They might think it is absurd to even question how they treat their friends, because well, they are their friends. Still, you need to talk with them because they could be mistreating their friends online without even realizing it.

Tips for respecting friends online

Here are some guidelines to share to start the conversation about what we each can do to better respect our friends online:

Posting photos and videos– Only post photos that you think make your friends look good. Be sensitive to their insecurities (we all have them). Aside from physical appearance don’t post pictures of your friends doing something they shouldn’t be doing or something that they would be embarrassed for others to see. When in doubt wait till you have the chance to ask them before you post.

Removing posts and media– Of course you could look at a photo or video of a friend and think it is great and not see anything wrong with it. But turns out they hate it for whatever reason. If this happens take it down. Do not argue with them or defy them, just respect their wishes. Untagging them might not be enough, ask them what they would prefer.

Feeling left out– This isn’t really new, but technology has made it easier to accomplish. If everyone is going to the amusement park, but one of your friends can’t make it be sensitive to the amount of pictures you put online. Don’t tweet #bestdayever or say “glad I could be with all my besties today”. Before posting anything, consider how you would feel if the tables were turned.
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