Because The Sky Is Your Only Limit…

October 30, 2015 | Posted at 5:31 pm | by Leah (Follow User)

When you are trying to achieve something, you might feel like everything is coming against you.

The more you try, the more you feel like you are getting pushed back.

At moments, you may feel like all the odds are against you. You feel the limits. You see the limits. You taste the limits. It seems like there is no point in even trying. It’s hard enough mentally to stay determined, to believe, to move forward, so why should you keep attempting? Why should you even bother?

Here’s why: Because when we encounter defeats or challenges in life, what we often fail to remember is that a setback is always a great chance for a comeback. We are never limited by anything that we face. Why? Because the sky is your only limit. You can achieve anything.

We always have to keep trying. Anyone who has ever achieved anything great in this world will tell you that you are going to feel broken at times. Defeated. Discouraged. Sad. Unmotivated. Disappointed. But don’t let that temporary feeling of brokenness permanently hinder you or stop you from fulfilling what has been placed within you. You have to remember that the only limit that you have on fulfilling your purpose is the sky. You can do anything.

Keep your eyes on the prize. Keep your eyes on the achievement that you are seeking to fulfill. Keep your eyes set on belief. The only ways to do that are to stay unbroken… to persevere… and to never give up.

I think the movie that depicts this perfectly is, Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie. I never realized how great of a comeback a person could have until after I recently watched that movie. Yes, I know I’m a little late to the party, but the power of that inspiring word “unbroken” is repeatedly depicted within the movie – allowing people who may feel defeated to realize they are still unbroken. They still have what it takes. They still can conquer any challenge. They still can overcome whatever they may be facing.



The key is to never give up and to never allow yourself to feel so broken that you give up on whatever it is that you are seeking. So stay persistent; stay determined; stay motivated; and most importantly, stay unbroken. Remember, like they said in the movie…

“If you can take it…you can make it.”


“A moment of pain is worth a lifetime of glory.”


The sky is your only limit. Don’t you dare become broken.