Beauty Isn’t What Meets the Eye, It’s Extremely Photoshopped

October 31, 2015 | Posted at 8:19 pm | by Christina (Follow User)

We see them on almost every page of a magazine.


They have long and flowy hair, a tall and skinny figure, and flawless skin. They are the embodiment of commercial beauty, lauded by society as the “perfect woman.” Yet in fact, they are tools employed by our consumerist nation to trick women into feeling like they are less beautiful and competent, all so that they will buy products like makeup, hair extensions, and diet pills to live up to these contorted expectations.



What would happen to the world if real women realized that the people in the glossies are no better than them?


Would women stop picking their bodies apart and start living with confidence? That’s a thought crazy enough to scare a whole country of oppressors.


While teens and young adults see known women in the media and aspire to be just like them (and have their self-esteem plummet when they fall short), these women have a dirty little secret: they are women like you and me. However, they’ve been altered by the powers of Photoshop, lighting, angling, and tight underclothing to give real women who have curves and blemishes a reason to feel insecure about themselves.


If you don’t believe me, just watch the video above to see an ordinary woman get transformed into a super model in under a minute. It will make you truly reexamine everything you see in print and will hopefully inspire you stop judging yourself.


After centuries of being held back by these unrealistic standards, it’s time for all women to take back control of their own self-esteem, quit being so critical of themselves and each other, consider themselves beautiful regardless of their skin color,and go out into the world to accomplish their dreams.


Who’s with me?