Be The Hero Of Your Life.

April 1, 2018 | Posted at 4:10 pm | by Riley (Follow User)

In the moments of your weakness,

The moments when you fall.

Realize you can conquer anything,

Anything at all.

Life is full of ups and downs

Times when you fall flat faced on the ground

Times when you can’t breathe

Times that make you want to back down

But rise

Build your wings

Build yourself up and mold your superpowers within

Deeply realize the journey up ahead is possible to win

I know it’s hard to believe

When you can’t even hope

I know it’s hard to just see past all the obstacles and cope

But you have a hero deep within you

It’s the person you have always longed to be

It’s possible and can happen if you just believe

If you just keep pushing,

If you never lose your sight,

If you just keep dreaming,

working hard with all of your might

That place you’ve always wanted to be is possible, I tell you true.

I know how hard the burdens of life can be

But take heart, these are nothing new

Every dreamer has faced hardships

Every historymaker has faced a wall

Every David, has faced a Goliath — ever so tall

But find peace in knowing that what lies within you is greater than you know

You can do anything you put your mind to,

It’s deeply so

Yes, there will be times when nothing is going right

Times when you can’t fight

Times when it’s so hard to have faith

When all happiness is erased

Yet the person you need to get through

Has always been within you.

You’re that hero you need

And the one you’ve always hoped you could be.

Now, be the hero of your life.