Be Strong. You Never Know Who You’re Inspiring.

January 29, 2015 | Posted at 11:50 pm | by Lauren (Follow User)

It’s one of the most difficult things do: admitting that we need help.


To confess that we can’t get through something by ourselves. Whether it’s depression, anxiety, obsessive compulsive disorder, an eating disorder, low self-esteem, or any type of mental or emotional issue that you are going, you need to realize that getting help is not a sign of weakness at all.

If anything, seeking help is a sign of strength that shows that you are a fighter. It shows that you want to make a change, even if it is just a small part of you.

It took some time before I got to a place where I was no longer ashamed of having to get help for anorexia, depression and other issues. I felt like I had done something wrong and that because I was getting help, I was a failure. At the time, I was feeling such hatred towards myself that I was unable to see how strong I was for going into treatment. All the days of therapy and all those meals that I completed in treatment–that showed my true strength.


Looking back, I am so incredibly proud of myself for accepting help.


Treatment changed my life in the most positive way possible. I learned so much about myself and life in general. I realize now that I couldn’t have conquered my eating disorder alone and getting help was the best thing I did for myself.


After I conquered my fears, I never realized how much of an impact I could have on others until I came out about my struggles. I got replies ranging from how I was such an inspiration to thank you’s for how I was helping people get help for their issues. I remember thinking to myself: “wow, just by getting help and pushing through, I have made a difference in the lives of others.” For me, inspiring even just a single person means the absolute world.


It was a truly incredible feeling to know that people took something positive away from my struggles. And that’s what I want and hope for. I want people to know that getting help is a good thing and positive things can certainly come out of obstacles.


If you have gotten help or are currently getting help for your issues, I want you to know how proud I am of you. I admire those who have the strength to face their issues and get help. If you have yet to get help, I encourage you to talk to someone you trust. A family member, friend, guidance counselor, anyone who you trust. It’s so important to express your feelings and to let others help you. Sometimes you need others to help guide you through the darkness and into the light…and that’s completely okay!


For me, getting help was something that was really difficult to face because for such a long time I had convinced myself that I was invincible. I thought that I was going to be able to just “get rid of” my eating disorder on my own. When my parents brought me to get help, I realized that I was no longer invincible as I had thought, and for me that was difficult to accept.


I know that I wouldn’t have been able to achieve recovery had I not gotten professional help. It was definitely scary and difficult to face that I needed the help, but I was able to get through it. I never thought that I’d ever get to a point where I would say that I was glad I went into treatment.


Today, I know that getting help was what saved my life. I am no longer ashamed that I was diagnosed with anorexia…I am using my struggles to make a difference. You have no reason to be ashamed about what you go through within your life.


Getting help will only not only make you a stronger person, but it will open up your eyes to a new outlook on life. Just remember to stay strong and to keep going, because no matter where you are in your journey, I guarantee you that you are inspiring someone.