Awaken To Your Inner Divinity

October 5, 2021 | Posted at 8:10 am | by Morgan (Follow User)

What is it like to go to sleep and to wake up being honest with yourself?   

Well, it can involve many different things, as simple as acknowledging the fact that you’re laying down in a bed as your thoughts become more and more complex as you dive into the deep end of your subconscious. In fact, so many thoughts seem to transpire as you think of things from years and years ago.   I can’t speak on behalf of everyone in this huge world, but there are many of us who may not be consistently admitting truths to the most important person in our lives… ourselves. I’ve heard that feelings lead to thoughts, thoughts leads to actions, actions lead to habits, and habits lead to any type of spiritual belief system that one has developed. In fact, if enough people agree with those beliefs, it will eventually become an institution. Ahaha! That is an amazing truth!  

Therefore, then isn’t it possible to create a belief system in which happiness is merely a process that can fluctuate, be non-existent, or be present each day? Wait… so you might be asking: Is he really suggesting that I can choose to e devoted to a belief system in which I am happy for an entire day? Well, yes I am. Understand that it’s all about your submission to this idea… Your willingness to succumb to anything that you choose to. Ok, well you might then ask: How does that vary from Christians who are devout to their belief system… or Muslims, or Hindus, or Jews, or any other institutionalized belief system that individuals have submitted?  

Haha, well I guess you can call it extremist viewpoint, right? Unfortunately, I want to be an extremist in the belief system of consistent happiness (yes, this is one of my religions and I attend service from 12:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m. the next day). Hopefully, one of the news networks won’t extensively label me as being crazy or ludicrous to the point where the world is fearful of being happy.  

Nonetheless, I asked myself: How will I eventually get to this consistent point of happiness in my own life? Understand that earlier in the summer, I dealt with a relationship in which I wasn’t completely honest with my happiness, because I was obligating my entire self to something that merely didn’t exist.   

For a clearer picture, I wasn’t being honest with myself every night about the choices and the decisions that I was making in my life. Then, when I compelled to write a poem called The Omniscient View. It was a great reflective piece for me, because knew that I had to change my situation.      



Younger than the first day of Spring Time, they have yet to be born into each other & let not the pre-mature womb that they live in be the death of them before the summer sun rises again/

I want the both of you to breathe like you’ve never breathed before- as one/

Breathe the same pain, breathe the same hope, breathe the same happiness & joy…breathe as if two plus one equals one/

But let me not ask for too much of you all…I am nothing but a feeling- just a feeling that the two of you created. I didn’t ask to be here… but here I stay/

Her and His has comes to the light, but neither wants to fully open their eyes/

Squinting out of enigmatic fear and softly listening out for unanswered questions that make more noise than they do… they are so beautiful together, yet so consciously complicated/

I want you both to feel like you’ve never felt before-as one/

Feel the same affliction, feel the same promise, feel the same comfort and fruition… but I ask you to grow this delicate bliss naturally as an organic garden/

And please remember, I am nothing more than love- just a love that the two of you gave birth to…I didn’t ask to be here, but here I live/

Dreamier than a serene fountain in a pond during daybreak, you all are evolving into a true reality/

So I want you both to be blessed… blessed like you’ve never been blessed before/ And maybe, just maybe one day I will reveal myself to you.


After writing this poem and coming to grasp my own truths, I realized that the situation came to its ultimate birth only when I became transparent with my inner self. Therefore, in order for one to truly understand my perception from writing this piece, he or she has to understand why it is so vital to have complete honesty, awareness, and understanding with one’s inner self.   

I have the audacity to even ask myself (and in my mind even ask others), what is one of the major facets of your spirituality?  

My answer: It is aligning yourself with all that you deem as good, which in other words is a broader approach to looking at the Divine Nature of Law.   Realize that the Divine Nature of Law does no wrong, because the Law of Attraction is logical, and when we fight against it, there is a chance things may backfire. I conclude by emphasizing that all wisdom, knowledge, happiness, peace, and all of the joy can be found within ourselves…. as long as we practice honesty with ourselves.  

Let us take an omniscient approach to how we live and you’ll see how divine you truly are. Peace!