Attracting The Life You Want: Why Things May Get Worse Before They Get Better

January 19, 2024 | Posted at 1:57 pm | by Kelli (Follow User)

In a nutshell, the law of attraction states our thoughts create our reality, and if we set certain intentions we can get the things we want. How we think and feel determines the experiences we have. The actions we take pale in comparison to how we feel.

This idea can rub a lot of people the wrong way, and inevitably, people start bringing up all the crappy things that happen to people–what about the poor kids that get cancer? What about people who get murdered? They think of all the bad things in their life and get highly offended at any insinuation that they may have been responsible for it.

I’ll be completely honest with you–I will not pretend to have a complete understanding of how the Universe works, and exactly why everything  happens, happens in just that way.

I was drawn to this concept because I liked the idea of a belief system where we had control over our lives, where we were not helpless victims of other people, our government and various other outside forces. I did not start studying it with the intention of trying to figure out the entire world. My life kind of sucked, and I wanted to find a way to make it unsuck. If you are so inclined for a deeper understanding of law of attraction, I highly recommend the genius blog of Melody Fletcher.

Once I started reading more about LOA and applying its tenets, my life changed dramatically, for the better, of course. And I believe if you do the same, your life will get better too. Actually, I don’t believe it, I know it. So, if you are even remotely open to the idea your thoughts and feelings can be molded in such a way they help bring you the things you want,  go with it. The time will pass anyway, so you may as well spend it doing something that may make your life better.

Reading about LOA will naturally make you question the bad stuff that happens, and that is fine. But, I imagine you are drawn to this concept, and a post like this, because you want to make positive changes in your life. So do your best to just focus on that, at least for now. Focus on the practical suggestions for changing your mindset, and the basic tenets, and don’t stress about trying to fully understand everything. That will just slow you down, trust me…


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