At A Major Crossroads? Decide To Follow Your Gut

February 6, 2024 | Posted at 12:12 am | by Sharareh (Follow User)

How does one know when to take the road less traveled?

It can be terrifying to make decisions that evolve around creating your own journey and deciding what it is going to be. You’ve likely come to making tough choices during a few times in your life. But as you grow up, it only gets tougher.

It’s funny how major decisions used to be over who you were going to be friends with at the playground… then they moved to whether or not you should go to a rager and get absolutely trashed… but now, they probably evolve around what career you want to pursue. Major decisions always change over the course of our lives. Depending on who you are, the anxiety and confusion that you may feel as to what to do in any of these situations will differ.

You may be more confident with making decisions about friendships and relationships, but when it comes to your profession and what it is that you want to do for a living – you have literally no idea. Then again, you could be completely on top of your career game – an ace at LinkedIn and a networking guru – but you come home at night to Netflix and takeout, wishing you could be better at forcing yourself out, or at least being “outward.”

My biggest advice? From someone who has been at plenty of crossroads herself and is honestly in a few right now…


Follow. Your. Gut.


You really do know yourself more than you think you do. You know when you want to try things, to start a new journey, or to make something happen for yourself. Hey, you may want change. You may want something new. You may just want something to go right for once.

Whatever you are trying to decide, it led you to hit the ninth paragraph of this article. [Smile] You’ve come this far to learn from someone else who could be just as confused as you. From my experiences, it has always felt better and worked out amazingly well when I FOLLOWED. MY. GUT. My instincts. My intentions. My intuition.

Your gut feeling is there for a reason. It’s a reaction so quick and heart pounding that it cannot be denied. You know – yes, you know – that when your insides squirm and turn…when your breathing sharpens…and your mind jumps to that one decision, then that is the decision you want to make. It is also probably the one that you should make anyways.

Don’t waste any more time wondering “what to do” when you’re at a crossroads. You can’t stand in the middle of street, wondering endlessly what could happen. You can’t stay forever at the beach, staring at the ocean to try and make a decision. All you can do is go make things happen. Hit more crossroads. And of course, follow your gut as much as you can.

From someone who has done this before (and ignored this advice before), know that it always feels so much better to try something that you wanted to do and succeed than to never have tried and to always wonder what could have been.