Are You Transitioning??

November 2, 2015 | Posted at 9:24 am | by Robynn Hall (Follow User)

There are moments in life where change is needed.


Sometimes it happens involuntarily or voluntarily. Considered the four seasons of winter, spring, summer, and fall. These are changes that are needed to make sure the Earth is in sync with the tilt of its axis.
Everyday, we change our clothes, some more than often, yet we do.
Why? Because there is something within us that does not want to look like yesterday!
When God wakes us up in the morning, what do we do? We wash off the OLD in the shower, and we put on the new clothes for the NEW day. We transition from yesterday’s look to today’s look and focus our minds on the tasks to be done for the NEW day! However, sometimes we do have those individuals who say, “I’m putting on what I wore yesterday, nobody seen me in it”. What does that really mean? In my experience {because I am guilty, lol}, that simply means I think I looked cute in those clothes and I want to make sure that someone sees it on me, waste not want not! But God is not a God of old things, he is a God of the NEW!
“Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.” {KJV; 2 Corinthians 5:17}
Change is inevitable. I mean think about if we remained in fourth-grade forever. We couldn’t do that! There comes a point when transition must occur! When we are in the fourth-grade, we have just transitioned from a lower grade in hopes of only being in the current grade to excel to a higher grade. In the current grade, we do not learn the information that we have already transitioned from but we are provided with the appropriate knowledge and concepts to help us transition to the NEXT grade, a NEW grade! It does not matter if someone was absent and missed seeing you solve a math problem, GOD SEES YOU!


Oftentimes we wonder why things in our life are being repetitive. And, that’s when we need to stop, reflect and ask ourselves: Am I letting go of the old things and allowing God to do a new thing in me?!


I challenge you to continue to allow God to cleanse you by the washing of the old and the clothing of the new! We are overcomers, so although you may feel like you are stuck in a place continue to daily be renewed by the word of God & in due season just like the fourth-grader will transition to the fifth-grade, so shall you transition into the new place that God has in store for you!


“And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect will of God” {Romans 12:2}.

I leave you with the life cycle of a butterfly, where God transitions the smallest unappealing thing to something bold & beautiful. God loves you like crazy. Get ready to be transitioned.

 One of the most beautiful processes that we can evidently see transitions taking place is through the life cycle of a butterfly.(Photo courtesy of CC0)

One of the most beautiful processes that we can evidently see transitions taking place is through the life cycle of a butterfly.(Photo courtesy of CC0)


The Life Cycle of a Butterfly can be seen in the illustration below.

  1. The adult female butterfly that has mated lays fertile eggs on the food plant.
  2. The egg hatches into a larva (caterpillar).
  3. The caterpillar eats and grows a tremendous amount.
  4. The caterpillar attaches itself to a twig and forms a hard outer shell called a chrysalis.
  5. Inside the pupa (chrysalis), the caterpillar changes into a butterfly.
  6. A fully grown butterfly eventually emerges from the pupa and the cycle begins again.