America, No Matter What, We Are One

November 21, 2016 | Posted at 9:04 pm | by Giovanni (Follow User)

The 2016 election was pretty shocking, huh?

As a nation, we’ve come to look at this election as quite unbelievable. But in this disbelief, hate has burned brightly. Americans were so taken aback by the selections of each political party, that the actual outcome of the election was a shock to voters. One half of the population couldn’t believe anyone would have voted for Donald Trump, and the other half couldn’t accept that Hillary had lost. Of course, there were a few people who found themselves disappointed that Gary Johnson didn’t stand a chance, and even a few less who couldn’t see why more people didn’t vote for the beloved Harambe.

Overall, yes, the election was shocking and will no doubt go down in history, in which category is to be determined. However, the election has passed, and Donald Trump is our President. The time for debate on why, and how, and WHY has come and gone.

Our nation cannot afford to be stuck in a place where Americans have turned on each for how they voted. I have experienced one to many situations in which the election has torn apart my family members and my friends from each other.

Now is not a time for America to be petty in our actions. STOP protesting against the people who voted for Trump: your fellow citizens, STOP fighting your friends because they have different political beliefs, and STOP believing that anything good will come from putting down those around you because they voted differently. What good can come from splitting our country in two?

What good will come from disparaging those who believe they voted for a candidate best for his/her country?”


Realize, We are one. ONE.

Can you remember our pledge of allegiance? ‘ONE Nation, under God, INDIVISIBLE. With Liberty and Justice for ALL.” An OATH, written by an American, for all others to follow and believe in; To keep us together as one people when nothing else is right. This is simply another point in history that America must face the challenges ahead, and together find their solutions.

If we allow ourselves to fight one another over something as petty as an election, race, or gender, then we disgrace and deface the idea of America. We are a country of many people, of many cultures, and of many beliefs.

We have a bright future ahead of us, if we simply agree on one thing and one thing only… It’s that we are one. We must remember that we are one.


No matter your skin color, no matter your political belief, no matter who our president may be… As Americans, we need to remember: we are one.