Ambition + Wisdom = Aspiration

June 28, 2024 | Posted at 3:47 pm | by Casey (Follow User)

Would you rather be wise, or ambitious?

Do you value…

Well-being, or wealth/status?

Service, or self-interest?

Collaboration, or competition?

For those struggling to get by, wisdom might seem irrelevant.

For many if not most, it’s widely available — and deeply needed.

Can we be both? Wise and ambitious?

Competition has driven incredible progress, albeit at great costs.

Not to mention being part of human nature…

The world doesn’t win when we play small, defeated or go off the grid.

In small ways or big

(I’ve tried it)

Instead of hiding or shying away from our own sense of purpose and powers

What if we supported them with generous doses of care, connection, discretion

To laser focus on the right games (for us), for the right reasons.

From ambition, to aspiration.


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