A ‘Thank You’ To Our Bodies On The Greatest Gratitude Day

September 21, 2015 | Posted at 8:46 am | by Proud2BMe (Follow User)

Back in 1965, an international gathering in Hawaii developed a formal day of thanks and appreciation.

Today, countries across the globe celebrate World Gratitude Day. And while it’s necessary to honor the wonderful world around us, we shouldn’t forget the beauty that lies within us. Five of our Proud2Bme bloggers told us why they’re saying “thank you” to their bodies today.

My Body Never Quit

By Claire Trainor–A funny thing happened to me today. I realized that I am grateful for everything about my body. I might not love it at all times but there is no time when I am not grateful for it.

I’m grateful for the fact that I was able to walk to babysitting today. I’m grateful for the fact that I successfully set up three pieces of Ikea furniture, almost entirely by myself. I’m grateful for the fact that I read 100 pages of my Religion homework today and could focus the entire time. I’m grateful for being able to hike and backpack to the top of mountains that I never thought I would be able to see in person. I’m grateful for being able to swim in riptides and fight the water until I get to shore. I’m grateful for the way my brain allows me to learn all the things I want to learn.

I think if I had to pick one thing, though, that made me more grateful than anything else, it’s that my body never quit on me. No matter how much I tortured it, destroyed it, and beat it down, it managed to stay resilient and built itself back up. I’m grateful that my body never failed me, or at least not in any ways that severely impacted my ability to live the life I want to life. I’m grateful for my body for helping me to live the life I want to live.

Consider the Possibilities

By Pooja Patel–They say you can see someone’s soul through their eyes. In my adolescence, I hoped that this was not true because my eyes are dark. Growing up in the Midwest, I was surrounded by women with blue, green, hazel, and light brown eyes. As an Indian, there is much less variation when it comes to eye color. Of course, there are outliers who have striking or unexpected light brown or green eyes, but I am not one of those. I always felt as if my eyes were a non-factor. Some people had beautiful eyes with bright colors, but not me. Mine were dark and boring, and nothing special.

Yet, with age I realized that there is more than one facet to beauty. Yes, color is one part of beautiful eyes, but there are still so many more to take into account. I had not been considering these other factors. I didn’t consider the almond shape that my eyes take on. I didn’t consider my long, thick Indian eyelashes. I didn’t consider the way my eyes crinkle when I smile. I didn’t consider that my dark irises match my dark eyebrows. Thanks to these considerations, one of my biggest insecurities became my favorite feature! So I implore you on World Gratitude Day to “consider” some more things!

To continue reading the rest of the list from our partner, Proud2BMe, you can click here.