How to Create Outdoor Space That Enhances Your Wellbeing

November 25, 2022 | Posted at 4:37 am | by Mark (Follow User)

When you look around, you’ll realize how chaotic this world is. People around you are busy and rushing; traffic is loud, streets are filled with concrete and kids are always staring at their phones. It’s obvious that this is not a good life for anybody. We as humans crave outdoor spaces that are filled with greenery, freshness and life. While you can get that at your local park or hiking trail, you can also bring a few elements into your backyard and create a private oasis to enhance your wellbeing. Here are a few ideas that will help you reduce stress, improve your physical health and boost your overall wellbeing. 

Fill it with vegetation

When it comes to greenery, you really should think “more is more”, because it’s impossible to push it too much with vegetation. Lush, lively and dense plants will create a more private and protected space from noise, sights and pollution, plus you’ll feel like you’re spending time in your own little cocoon. Also, many plants have special chemicals (called phytoncides) that can improve mood and awaken pleasant feelings of relaxation. So when it comes to creating your private oasis, start by planting trees, bushes, flowers and herbs for that organic and natural vibe. Lawns are 100% overrated, useless and wasteful so minimize this wasted space. 

Accommodate animals and insects

Our mental wellbeing depends greatly on our accomplishments and usefulness. So if you feel like you’re not needed anymore (it often happens to people after retirement or after their kids leave the nest), focus on those who truly need your help—little garden critters. As you provide your backyard with diversity, animals and insects will also join the party. As you provide other living beings with home, food and protection, you’ll deepen your connection with nature and help the environment recover. Also, if you sit outside and just spend a few minutes looking at birds, butterflies and squirrels in your garden, you’ll immediately be filled with relaxation and joy. Ty a little adventure on the beach, there are best paddle board dogs that will bring you joy and happiness.

Fill it with soothing sounds 

Sights in your backyard determine the vibe in the space, but they are not the only thing that affects humans. Creating a soothing collection of smells and sounds is important because they have a very powerful emotional effect. Think about how you can boost the sounds of nature in your garden: the buzzing of bees, the song of the birds, the rustling of tall grasses, the chiming of the wind chime, murmur of water. Smells like fresh wildflowers, aromatic herbs, freshly cut grass, moist flower beds—these all add to the natural smell and soundscape of your relaxing backyard. 

Boost your fitness

Exercise is one of the best and easiest ways to improve your wellbeing, both physical and mental. And swimming is probably the ultimate wellness activity great for your fitness, strength, endurance, relaxation, focus and creativity. If you have some extra space, you can enrich your backyard with a pool and become the star of the neighborhood and your family (everyone will want to come visit and take a plunge). Even for small yards, you can add one longer swim lane or install pumps that create almost a swimmer’s treadmill situation. And don’t forget some protection. Every pool needs a flat-top black pool fence to keep kids and pets safe from accidents. A pool fence gives you additional peace of mind, allowing you to fully relax in your backyard without having to constantly worry about someone falling in. 

Create space for socializing 

Well-designed gardens are truly multipurpose because they can offer you both solitude and company. While it’s very beneficial to enjoy your own company, it’s also useful to enjoy other people, hang out with friends and family and share one-on-one conversations. Therefore, provide your garden with a small socializing zone with a table and chairs. This way, you can invite your friends over, get your kids out of the house or enjoy romantic dinners with your partner. Make sure to arm that hangout zone with comfort like soft pillows, gentle lighting and relaxing fresh flower scents. 

Give yourself daily tasks

Did you know that performing daily garden tasks is very beneficial for human wellbeing? Even small actions like watering the plants, some pruning and some weed removal, can do wonders for your mental and physical health. You’ll spend more time walking around, lifting things and strengthening your muscles, breathing in the fresh air and soaking up the sun—and all of them are important for health. And if you have a very black thumb, you can still give yourself a daily activity task like playing catch with your kids or grandkids, doing outdoor yoga, building something for the garden, working on decoration, etc. 

There’s no better way to boost your health and wellbeing than to work on your garden. All the beautiful sights, sounds and smells you introduce to your space will improve your happiness, satisfaction and wellness and be a great addition to your life.