Ways to Incorporate Sustainability Into Your Life

November 21, 2022 | Posted at 10:59 am | by Mark (Follow User)

If you look around, you’ll quickly see that we’re in big trouble. Due to all the pollution, waste and resource abuse we’ve been doing for decades, the planet has finally pushed back and treated us to natural disasters, global warming and habitat loss. Instead of being at war with Mother Earth, we need to do better and be more sustainable. While big corporations should do the most to protect the planet, you as an individual, can also do your part and become more sustainable every day. Here are a few sustainability tricks you can introduce into your life today: 

Add sustainable products to your daily life

Here’s the deal, it’s quite easy and practical to switch up your daily routine and become more sustainable. Firstly, try to add some eco-friendly toiletries to your life—bamboo toothbrushes, wooden hairbrushes, biodegradable packaging, etc.—whatever you can do to avoid plastic. Thankfully, things like reusable water bottles are very popular today, together with steel straws, reusable containers for food, recycled paper and plastic, etc. Usually, trends are not so good for the environment, but these are great, so jump in on them. 

Recycle as much as you can

Recycling is one of the best things you can do for the planet, and collectively we can all do better in this department. It can be hard to carry five different bags down five flights of stairs, but sorting out your recycling is crucial. Recycling things like glass bottles and aluminum cans is especially important because these resources can be recycled indefinitely. For the upcoming year, set a goal for yourself to always recycle cardboard boxes and paper documents at work (you’ll feel much less guilty tossing these things in the trash). 

Proper waste disposal

At home and work, it’s important to practice proper waste disposal to protect the environment and ensure a greener and cleaner future for ourselves. At home, you can invest in separate bins that will handle your organic and inorganic waste. If you’re having renovations, always hire a dumpster so professionals can dump your waste properly and with care. If there’s any waste at home you can reuse, either in your garden or your home, make sure to do so. If you’re a building manager with a lot of waste to handle every day, it’s smart to let professionals handle this task for the best results. With a responsible waste management planning company on your side, you can ensure your waste management plans meet all your local council’s requirements. As a landlord, you owe your tenants clean and hygienic waste disposal every day. 

Try composting

Every day, western societies waste tons of food. For instance, in the USA alone, each day people waste one pound of food per person on average. There are several ways to reduce food waste, not buying so much food being one of them. If you buy more food than you can cook and eat, try to compost your waste and turn it into something very useful for your plants and garden. Old food scraps, grass cuttings, and newspapers can go on your composting pile in the backyard and quickly be turned into nutritious compost for your plants. This type of fertilizer is a great waste reduction and even better food for your garden because it’s natural, free of toxins and homemade. 

Repurpose old clothes

Fast fashion is one of the most harmful things we do every day. It’s bad for the planet, for workers and for our wallets. So if you want to be a more responsible shopper and achieve a better and more unique look, try to repurpose your old clothing. It’s possible to create trendy crop tops and short shorts from outdated pieces. Or you can use pretty fabrics to upholster your old chairs, make pillowcases or create practical holders for supplies. If you have time, you can even take old clothing and turn it into quilts, pot holders, and even small bathroom rugs. 

Motivate your employees

Our workplaces are very wasteful, whether you work at an office, factory or home. Every boss or responsible worker is responsible for motivating their workers and colleagues to be better at reducing waste and practicing green habits. As a boss, you can create various activities for employees to practice green behaviors and reap different rewards. For instance, you can create recycling stations at work or reward people who cycle or use public transportation with free coupons. If you love to be competitive at work, then divide your colleagues into teams and organize a small green-off with winners getting an afternoon off. Some friendly competition is healthy for morale, makes a nice change of pace and brings amazing benefits to the environment. 

If you want to be more sustainable starting today, get ready for several changes in your life. Once you get used to your new habits, you’ll see how much good you’re doing and you’ll be proud of your achievements and your love of our planet.