5 Things Every Expectant Mom Should Do To Prepare For A Baby

October 26, 2021 | Posted at 5:48 am | by Kerri DeNies (Follow User)

Are you getting ready to welcome your new bundle of joy into the world? If this is your first child, you may be wondering what you need to do to prepare for the baby’s arrival and early days. Even if you’ve already purchased diapers and filled your medicine cabinets with organic iron drops for babies, there are still some crucial facts you should know about before your child arrives. Take a look at some of the top things every expectant mom can do to prepare for the baby’s arrival.

What Should You Expect With a Newborn

Before you can start taking steps to prepare your house for your child, it’s important to have a clear picture of what the first few weeks with your little one could potentially look like. Although every child can differ, you, like many new moms, could experience:

  • Frequent wake-ups throughout the night to calm your child and/or feed him or her
  • Frequent health checks and/or calls to the pediatrician to ensure your baby is developing normally, using appropriate products such as Wellements chest rub developmental and following a healthy time frame
  • A gradual shift into establishing a regular routine and sleep pattern for your little one
  • Some natural weight loss on your end if you opt to breastfeed
  • Lots of bonding time spent cuddling or rocking your child, talking and singing to him or her, giving him or her warm baths, changing his or her diapers and so on

How To Prepare Your Home for a Newborn

Now that you have a rough idea of what to expect, you can begin to prepare your home environment. Babies need extra protection, so before you bring your newborn home, make sure you:

1.Baby-proof your house by padding sharp corners, setting up baby gates where necessary, putting away any potentially sharp or harmful objects, clearing potential stumbling blocks off the floor and so on;

2.Set up a baby nursery complete with a comfortable crib, an armchair or rocking chair, a baby monitor, blackout curtains, a mini changing station and any toys or clothes you may have for your child;

3.Stock up on a handful of nursery essentials such as diapers, baby powder, baby wipes, baby bottles, numerous onesies, blankets, and sleep sacks, and consider having supplements to give your child, such as gripe water before feeding;

4.Give your house a deep-clean to clear out potentially harmful germs and prepare it for the arrival of your little one;

5.Stock up on frozen foods and non-perishable foods that can easily be assembled into a meal for quick dishes you can throw together during your baby’s first few weeks of life.

Although it may feel as though there are a million and one items to cross off your to-do list before your baby arrives, you can help eliminate some of the stress and simplify your preparations by starting with the essentials outlined here. If this is your first baby, understanding what to expect with a newborn and how you can prepare your home could go a long way in giving you peace of mind as you await your little bundle of joy.