Lash Technician Tips: How A Strong Pre-Treatment Routine Can Change Your Lash Game

August 27, 2021 | Posted at 11:00 pm | by Holly (Follow User)

Every lash technician has struggled with retention issues at some point in their career – unfortunately, it’s almost inevitable. It can be devastating to hear that a client has lost a lot of their lash extensions prematurely, and it can lead lash artists to question their skill and ability.

However, more often than not, poor lash retention can be resolved pretty easily. Those with retention issues may be tempted to point to lash glue as the culprit, deciding that a particular brand or type of adhesive is to blame for their client’s premature lash shedding. And while it can be the case sometimes that a lash glue simply isn’t right for you, this isn’t always the underlying cause of poor lash retention. Choosing a good quality of eyelash extensions is one way also to avoid any retention issues. So be sure to get your eyelashes extensions at Paris Lash Academy and get the designs and look that you want!

In fact, something that can be overlooked by those within the industry is the importance of a pre-treatment routine – this really can be a game changer for lash artists. How you carry out your pre-treatment actually has the same effect on the retention of the lashes as the glue you use. By taking a few additional steps to prepare your client’s natural lashes prior to applying extensions, you can drastically improve retention.

Let’s take a look at some of the key steps you should consider adding to your lash pre-treatment routine…


Cleansing the natural lashes

All lash techs know how frustrating it can be when a client arrives with a full face of makeup, especially eye makeup. But sometimes it can’t be avoided – your client might be attending their lash appointment straight from work or from an event; you can’t always expect them to be 100% makeup free.

Whether you like it or not, it’s crucial that you remove every last bit of eye makeup before applying the lash extensions – you must be sure that you’ve cleansed away any mascara, eyeshadow and eyeliner, especially from the roots of the lashes!

To begin with, you can provide some micellar water and a few cotton pads to the client, allowing them to remove the majority of their makeup themselves. But following this, you must then shampoo the lashes, making sure to wash off any micellar water residue and remaining makeup.

Investing in a gentle foaming lash shampoo is well worth it – this way, you can be sure you’re working with a clean base. If you apply lash extensions to lashes with debris on, you can be certain to see poor retention.


Protein pads

Even after using both micellar water and lash shampoo, it’s always worth triple checking for any pesky residue. Protein cleanser pads can be a great way to do this; you can simply fold the pads in half before sweeping them through the lashes, specifically targeting the roots.


Priming the lashes

After thoroughly cleansing your client’s lashes, you will have removed a significant amount of moisture from the natural lashes.

However, every lash tech knows that lashes need moisture for the lash adhesive to polymerise (to dry or ‘cure’). By using a lash primer, this helps to put moisture back into the natural lashes, subsequently helping the adhesive to latch on to them.

This makes primer an essential product for any lash tech!



 Booster treatment can dramatically increase lash retention. Lash booster is an alkaline product meaning that when applied to the natural lash, it slightly lifts and opens the hair cuticle, making the hair a little rougher as opposed to its usual silky smooth texture. Booster allows the lash glue to grip on to the hair cuticles and hold better, which as a result allows the extension to latch on more easily.

Adding Booster to your pre-treatment routine will not only speed up the treatment time (as you’ll no longer have to hold the extension above the natural lash for a while to make it grip), it is also a guaranteed way to improve your lash retention.


Happy lashing!

 We hope these top tips have helped you to reevaluate any potential retention issues you may be experiencing. If your pre-treatment is lacking, so too will your overall lash retention!