Why It’s Important To Install Lights On Your Bike For Safety

August 22, 2021 | Posted at 12:15 am | by Kerri DeNies (Follow User)

Whether you ride a commuter bike or a beach cruiser, there are many reasons why it’s important to install lights on your bike. Safety is the biggest reason of all, no matter where you live. Here are five compelling safety reasons to put lights on your bike today.

1. Make Yourself Visible

Even if you live way out in the sticks, making yourself visible allows other riders, drivers, pedestrians and animals to recognize and react to you and your bike at dawn, dusk, or in the dark. Letting others see you is a gift you give them and yourself so that no one gets hurt. Install beach cruiser lights on your fat tire, for example, or a front and rear light set on your road bike.


2.Stand Out in Traffic

Riders should always install lights on bikes when planning to ride in any amount of traffic at any time. Front and rear lights and helmet and wheel lights let riders better stand out against the often visually confusing backdrop of buildings, road and construction signs, various forms of motor traffic, and pedestrians. In addition, adequate lighting is essential for riders of short stature, including school kids. 


3.Prepare for All Conditions

Head and tail lights let riders prepare for all conditions. Even during daylight hours, visibility can be lacking in the rain, fog, and dust and sand storms, including high winds on the beach. When you have lights on your bike, you’re ready for any eventuality, including urban detours through alleys, tunnels and underpasses. In addition, products like a rechargeable cateye safety light set can make it easy to contend with the unexpected while on your bike.


4.Expand Your Riding Opportunities

Similarly to preparing you for all conditions, bike lights support you to expand your riding opportunities safely. For example, once you install lights and know how to use and recharge them, you’re more likely to say yes to more involved riding adventures. For example, you may sign up for your friends’ cycling trip on the Blue Ridge Parkway, where experienced riders recommend you ride with a high wattage headlight and rear blinker due to tunnel travel and varying weather conditions.


5. Be a Good Example to Others

Whether you’re a parent to young riders or a mentor to your peers, installing lights on your bike for safety sets an excellent example for them. In addition, you’re encouraging other riders to see and be seen while on their bikes for the greater good. Wearing reflective bike gear or adding fluorescent accents to your bike is another easy way to send the message that visibility is important.

If you haven’t yet installed lights on your beach cruiser, hybrid or tricycle, browse retailers’ websites today for the products that fit your bike and suit your needs. Then, check out manufacturers’ specs and customer reviews to help you make your purchasing decision. Finally, don’t forget to look for the specials, offers and discounts that stretch your biking budget for a few more miles!