5 Surprising Health Benefits of Growing Plants

May 27, 2021 | Posted at 10:49 am | by Mark (Follow User)

It is a fact of life that just about all kinds of gardening and plant growing activities aid in boosting both your physical as well as mental wellbeing. Apart from that, they also help to develop a certain sense of belonging with the natural world around you. Growing plants will also allow you to take the time out to pause and reflect, and celebrate new life, even as it flourishes and grows in front of your very eyes. There is now a whole lot of scientific evidence that asserts that being a plant parent has the potential to work for your emotional well-being too.  You should always remember that Mother Nature influences your health and wellness in many different ways: Let us see for ourselves, some of the key reasons for growing plants on your own:

  • It Alleviates  and  Relieves Stress

This is one of the key advantages of gardening. In fact, the activity helps to improve your mental and emotional health by acting as an aid in relieving stress. It is very simple really. Gardening needs significant physical activity and the more active you are, the better the chance of your brain releasing all those cool, feel-good hormones known as endorphins. Taken together, hormones such as dopamine, serotonin, etc. make sure that you are always feeling satisfied and relaxed. Walking around in early morning sunlight also helps to boost your moods.  Furthermore, bright-colored and sweet-smelling flowers can easily energize a person and make sure that he/she is pretty happy.

  • Lower Risk of an Unexpected Heart Attack

Many studies and surveys have clearly shown that gardening and growing plants is directly responsible for a considerable reduction in the risk of stroke, heart attack, and the like. As a matter of fact, it is possible that growing plants and other related gardening activities can easily prolong your life by up to 35 percent or so. If you can perform gardening activities for even a quarter of an hour per day, you can rest assured that it will be time well spent, and it will also have a very positive impact on your health. All that pottering around the house, and planting, digging, and growing weed will burn excessive calories and it is also good for your cardiovascular health too.

  • It Will Improve Your Diet 

Many studies clearly indicate that individuals who like to grow plants tend to eat plenty more fresh, green, leafy vegetables and fruit viz-a-viz their peers. After all, it is always a good idea to consume what you have freshly grown yourself. This way not only, will you eat healthily but be healthy as well. After all, homegrown food almost always tastes better because of all that time, hard work, and effort required to grow it. An added benefit is that you will always know that your homegrown produce has not been sprayed with any kind of pesticides or artificial fertilizers and the like. 

  • Growing Cannabis as a Business 

Growing plants is a great investment too. For example, the cannabis industry is now growing very consistently. It is now a flourishing industry and there are many financial opportunities for people who want a side hustle, or even if they want to turn it into their primary source of income. However, it is pertinent to note that if you are new to this form of business and don’t know the basics of commercial cannabis harvesting, it would be a good idea to employ the services of a cannabis business consulting firm. These people are top-notch professionals and they can help you learn the tricks of the trade easily enough. Especially with regard to the legal aspects of this business.  You do not want to be caught on the wrong side of the law, so you must be extra careful and talk to the professionals first. 

  • Conclusion 

Growing plants both indoors and outdoors has many health benefits associated with it. It makes you feel happy and boosts your mood. Close proximity to vibrant and sweet-smelling plants gives one a natural high and all that hard work can decrease the risk factor for strokes and heart attacks. You can even earn a good living by planting a cannabis crop in your garden.