5 Interesting Ways To Teach Your Kids Essential Healthy Habits

March 17, 2021 | Posted at 7:37 am | by Mike (Follow User)

When is the right time to get your youngsters excited about healthy habits? Many parents make a big mistake when trying to force a healthy lifestyle upon their children. They usually start the process around the age of 3, which can be a complete disaster as little ones are entering the “no” phase! So, how can you teach them healthy habits?

You’ll get the best results if you start early. But late is better than never! Here are 5 interesting ways you can use to teach your kids crucial healthy habits, even if they are in the rebellious “no” phase!


1. An apple a day keeps the doctor away

Healthy eating habits are formed while we’re still young. If you get your children used to junk food, switching to a healthier diet when they grow up will be a mission impossible. But how can you make your youngsters eat “tasteless” and “yucky” veggies?

To enforce healthy eating habits, you have to listen to your child. Create fun, but the well-balanced meals you’ll eat together. It’s okay not to like a certain type of food, but try to come up with an alternative that will make your little ones excited about the lunch!


2. Row, row, row your boat

Most children love aimlessly running around while they play, but when it comes to working out, they seem to disappear into the thin air. It’s up to you to teach them that working out isn’t boring! For proper and healthy development, physical activity is extremely important. So, try to come up with fun physical activities you can do with children.

Whether you’re trying to develop their sensory or motor skills, don’t forget to include the fun element in your activities. In addition to that, try to lead by example. If your youngsters see you doing yoga each morning, they’ll probably want to try it out themselves. Make sure to accept this opportunity whole-heartedly.


3. Make it fun and games

Kids are naturally curious. It’s up to us, the parents, to decide whether we will try to encourage that trait or shut it down. Curiosity is essential when it comes to learning, and learning at a young age is crucial for development. However, many kids dislike the way formal education is pushing them to memorize facts.

So, what can you do? Instead of following the traditional example, teach your kids to love learning by making it a game. Even from the youngest age, you can develop your kids’ motor skills by playing games. It’s up to you to get them interested and keen on obtaining more skills and knowledge.


4. Brush for a while for a bright smile

It’s commonly known that children don’t like brushing their teeth. Whether it’s the taste of the toothpaste or just their usual rebellious “no” phase, making them brush their pearly whites can be a complete nightmare! However, dental hygiene is vital for their health. The best family dentist in Batavia also adds that you should get routine health checkups to ensure that you’re always on top of your health.

Instead of scaring them with stories about crooked teeth, introduce fun into this habit. Take them to a reliable children dentist that will educate your kids about dental hygiene in a fun way. Such a professional will provide you with advice on how to take care of your youngster’s teeth from an early age. Familiarize your kids with maintaining their dental health by booking a dental appointment for teeth polishing by the dentist in Williamsburg


5. One upon a time

In a land far, far away, lives a gnome that doesn’t have a smartphone. How will he entertain himself; you may ask? He will read! For young children, limiting screen time is essential. This means that you’ll have to teach them healthier habits, such as reading books.

It’s extremely important to start early. Bedtime stories will do wonders for your youngsters. Teach them that through reading and imagination, they can develop their creativity and lead a healthier life. Don’t forget to be their example. Kids love copying what their parents do, so if they see you reading, they’ll be interested to start as well!



Teaching your kids healthy habits isn’t easy. However, if you’re creative and imaginative enough, you will have no problem implementing them in the routine. The key is not to force your little ones to do anything. Try to teach them why is it important to eat a healthy meal or brush their teeth regularly. That’s how healthy habits will stick with them for a long time.

Mike is an Australian business consulting specialist. He’s working with companies that outsource their IT maintenance. He often writes about technology, business and marketing and is a regular contributor on several websites.