What You Can Do To Maintain Your Health

November 28, 2020 | Posted at 12:31 pm | by Anne Gibson (Follow User)

With all that is happening in the world, it’s so important to take of ourselves – mentally, physically, and emotionally. Sure, it’s easy to push aside self-care and doing things that we know keep us healthy. But we must make taking care of ourselves a priority in order to maintain our health in the long term. Here are some tips to help you maintain your help:


Smoothies, Energy Bars, and Salads are not Healthy.

Diet and calories are more vital than exercise when it comes to losing weight. Salads are undoubtedly healthy, and vegetables like lettuce, kale, and carrots are low in calories and high in vitamins and fiber.

 Some restaurants add a lot of cheese, salad dressing, and even fried meats in the salads that make it a 1,000 calories bowl.

When eating out, order dressing on the side so as not to eat the extra calories. Similarly, ask for the cheese on the side, or not at all. If your salad contains meat, ask for grilled instead of fried. Smoothies and energy bars have an unhealthy amount of calories. It’s good to check the energy content before buying. Kratom for energy helps achieve a gentle energy boost while maintaining pain relief, check out kratom krush for the full kratom range.


Playing Video Games

People say that sitting on a sofa and playing video games is not suitable for health. Moreover, doing so all day has many drawbacks, but playing video games is also beneficial to health.

It lessens stress and depression and can even help lower physical pain. However, this is a situation where self-control is critical, and you should still try to limit your playing time to two hours a day or less.


Surfing the Internet

We’ve all heard our parents say how unhealthy it is to spend the whole day in front of the computer.  In fact, a little time to spend surfing the internet is actually healthy. Searching the web boosts brain health in middle-aged and elderly people. It may also reduce some of the effects of aging on the brain. In particular, by stimulating areas that control language, memory, and complex reasoning. However, just make sure you take breaks and stretch while exploring the world wide web.


Playing a Musical Instrument

You don’t need to be a musical genius to play an instrument. In fact, playing a musical instrument has many health advantages. It improves hand-eye movement and fine motor skills. Better still, it can raise your IQ level by seven points.

 On the one hand, it’s never too late to start a new activity again. Both kids and adults gain these brain tricks. The elderly who play instruments also have lower blood pressure. The people who listen to you play also develop the urge to be like you.

Playing an instrument also reduces your stress level. It is good therapy for people with depression. When we play an instrument, we sometimes create a tune, which is all our creation. You make your own music and express your own voice.


Bird Watching is Heart Healthy

Bird watching may look like a lazy hobby, but it is actually a super good exercise. For instance, many bird watchers spend hours walking through the woods looking for rare varieties of the chirping creatures. Strolling a mile or two for an hour is in itself a mind soothing activity.

For elderly people walking can burn almost 400 calories, and enjoying the fresh air and being lost in nature can also reduce stress.



Gardening can be the best hobby for elderly people.  Usually done in summer or springtime.  The best season to enjoy the weather and stay under the sun. You get D3, which helps in reducing stress and depression, especially in cold countries. It is a light activity done early in the morning.  You get up first and sleep early. The morning birds and the beautiful flowers give you the impetus to enjoy life and stay healthy.


Get Yourself a Pet

If you by now have a pet, you surely know, your furry friend reduces your stress. Undoubtedly having a pet lowers blood pressure and can reduce the risk of depression.

The elderly get lonely, but when an animal shares their home, it makes them happy. Early in the morning, walking a dog is also a good exercise. However, your pet doesn’t have to be four-legged. Keeping fish in a small house aquarium is just as relaxing. Get more info about What Kratom is used for. It mainly helps in muscle pain relief, diarrhea, and as a treatment for opiate addiction

Having a pet in the house increases opportunities to exercise, get outside, and socialize. Every day walking and playing with pets can lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels.  Pets can help decrease loneliness and depression by giving us companionship.  Similarly, the attachment between people and their pets can increase fitness, lower stress, and bring joy to their owners.


Sleeping On Your Left Side

When you go to sleep, you don’t care which side you lie on when you lay on your bed. Studies have shown it is better to sleep on our left side. This position regulates blood flow to our organs. In this way, the spleen and intestines work more efficiently. Sleeping on your left side reduces heartburn.

No one knows the precise reason, but left-side sleeping keeps the connection between the stomach and esophagus above the gastric acid level.


Remove Bright Lights

Most people relax before bed by reading on a laptop or surfing the internet, or checking their emails on the phone. Sadly, these things may be relaxing, but they can do harm to your body and your sleep.

The blue light at night interferes with the production of melatonin, a hormone that helps us sleep. Exposure to sunlight increases the risk of several forms of cancer, obesity, and heart disease. If you like to read, it is better to read the old classical way.