Why Data Science Is The Best Career Choice In 2020

April 24, 2020 | Posted at 1:26 am | by Bharat (Follow User)

Data science has evolved as a field of extreme importance owing to its application to a multitude of industries worldwide. There is a great demand for data scientists in both the private and the public sector as companies need data scientists for a data-based business strategy and government firms need them for providing smart governance!

Thus, for talented and hardworking individuals, data science has emerged as one of the most lucrative career options available today. The field offers good money, great honour, and limitless impact. Hence, as a data scientist, you can earn millions and will be highly revered while continuing up the ladder all the while!


Data science: It’s so important especially now

Data science is important because data has emerged as the new ‘oil’. Just like oil in a traditional industry, data has great potential to provide “energy” and is being generated in plenty, however, it needs to be “refined”. And data science is what ‘refines’ data in order to unlock its value!

In a digital ecosystem, it is very important for companies to leverage the data it generates and also the data it acquires. A good data science team can efficiently analyze such data sets and dig out insights that can be critical in making business decisions and also in planning ahead. The data sets can also be used by skilled data scientists to predict future outcomes! Hence, it’s essential for companies big or small to embrace data science and employ data scientists.

Did you know data science is helping to fight the COVID-19 pandemic? How? Well, data scientists are going through huge volumes of available clinical data in order to provide crucial information for research and decision making. It is crucial to identify potential victims, to contain the spread as well as to avoid a similar calamity in the future!


A challenging career?

Well, it is true that the job of a data scientist is no easy job. A data scientist may come across several challenges every day which includes puzzling problems, poor data quality, and unexpected conclusions.

But at the same time, it is also the most flexible, most dynamic and most rewarding. As a data scientist, you can work in a field that attracts you the most. For instance, if you like sports then you can easily go for a company offering sports analytics or if you like cybersecurity then you can easily opt for working for a bank or an analytics firm offering security solutions. There are plenty of options but you must aim to acquire all the necessary skills before venturing out.


Opportunities in India

Interestingly, India is one of the best locations for a career in data science owing to a great demand for increased digital transformation and an acute talent shortage. With a data science course in Gurgaon or any other Indian city. Gurgaon especially can be a great choice because it’s close to the capital and it is slowly becoming a data science hub. Thus, a data science course in Gurgaon can be highly beneficial to you!