Why Do People Vape? Exploring The Reasons Behind The Growing Trend

July 26, 2019 | Posted at 7:50 am | by Jack (Follow User)

It is now a fact that the rate of e-cigarettes use is increasing by the day. More young people are getting into the habit followed by those who are switching from conventional cigarettes use. Numerous social surveys that have been conducted show that people have their individual reasons for this.

Today, the e-cigarette industry, which is owned mostly by cigarette manufacturers, is controlling millions of dollars every year. If you are wondering why this is the case, the reasons below will explain everything.


The Trend

Who wants to be left out of a trending thing? Young people in college are turning to this trend so that they can look like others. Being on trend gives satisfaction, and this is what most of these people are looking for. The trend in the vaping industry also dictates the types of vaping devices that people use and even the most popular e-juices. Currently, people are into experimentation with the different flavors, especially the cocktail flavors.


Peer Influence

Closely related to the influence through trend is peer influence. You may have seen many young people in a club vaping and having fun. As soon as their friends see them, they think that this is a cool thing and get into it themselves. Others are directly convinced by their friends to do this and they soon give in. Peer influence is very strong at any age because it comes from people of the same age as you and there are probably many other things that you do together.


The Need to Switch from Tobacco

A significant number of people who are visiting any electronic cigarette store claim that they want to ditch conventional cigarettes. Because manufacturers promote it as a healthier alternative, the results are now visible because many people are now believing it. People who have smoked for a long time constitute a large number of those who are switching. These usually are middle-aged adults. The main benefit for this is that vaping gives an option of using either nicotine-based e-juices or those without nicotine.


Media Influence

The manufacturers of e-cigarettes are now using celebrities to promote their products just as they did with normal cigarettes. This is working well because there is a huge growth in the industry. If you have watched the latest movies, you can find some scenes with the actors vaping. Celebrity blogs and magazines show some of them vaping too, and this influences many fans.


The Variety of Devices and Flavors

Unlike traditional cigarettes which have no difference in how they look, the vape devices come in different types, colors, and designs. Thus, they also give different experiences because they are highly customizable to suit an individual’s needs. Likewise, there are hundreds of different types of e-juices that a person can try. All of this is tempting to adventurous types of people. In fact, it is a big reason why a significant number of people are vaping today.

There could be many other reasons why people vape today, but these are the most common. But before giving in to any of them, it is important that you do some research and understand whether this is what you need or not.