When It Comes To Wellness, You Can Make A Healthy Choice The “Easy”Choice

May 3, 2019 | Posted at 3:52 pm | by Jack (Follow User)

Our health and wellbeing is a product of our choices. We can avoid getting sick or hurt by making some wise choices, or we can expose ourselves to higher chances of falling ill or getting injuries by making poor choices.

Some of the poor choices we make that cause illness and can lead to injuries include:

Poor sleep

It is estimated that less than 70% of adults get sufficient sleep, which is 7 to 8 hours of sleep every night. Insufficient sleep has been linked to some health problems such as depression, obesity, and work-related injuries.


Health experts recommend that we do 30 to 60 minutes of working out each day for healthy and fit bodies. However, less than 45% of adults perform exercises for the prescribed 30 to 60 minutes. The effect of this inactivity includes poor sleep, unhealthy addition of weight, and chronic diseases.

Poor nutrition

The majority of people are not eating healthy—plenty of vegetables and fruits, and fewer sugars and fats. On the contrary, people are eating too much refined sugars and unhealthy fats. Some of the issues related to poor nutrition include diseases, poor sleep, depression, and unhealthy weight gain. It is estimated that only 30% of Americans are at a healthy weight.

Making the healthy choice the easy choice

A few years ago a team of experts drawn from the government and military came together to brainstorm some ways to make the healthy choice the easy choice. The summary of their discussion was published in the May 2014 issue of Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy (JOSPT). Here are the summarized recommendations:


To have healthy and fit bodies, we should work out for 30 to 60 minutes each day. We should aim to manage 10,000 steps every day. Some ways to achieve the steps are by taking a brisk walk, jogging, running, and doing other activities.

Proper nutrition

Our bodies are made up of the foods we eat, thus the need to observe healthy nutrition. We need to ensure we eat whole foods, like whole grains, brown rice, and wholemeal bread, instead of refined foods, like white bread. Also, our foods should comprise lots of fruits and vegetables, and fewer sugars, saturated fats, and trans fats. We can likewise add some steroids to supplement our diet and workouts. For high-quality and reliable steroids, it is crucial to buy them from trusted and reputable vendors, for example at Steroidsfax.

Adequate sleep

We should sleep for 7 to 8 hours each night. To promote good sleep, we need to avoid caffeine for at least 6 hours before bedtime and gazing at screens like mobile devices, computers, and the TV. We should also sleep in a quiet and dark room to get good sleep.

Tips to make the healthy choice the easy choice

We can achieve the goal of making the healthy choice the easy choice by using the following tips:

Optimizing on technology

Technological tools like mobile apps, online tools, and wearable devices can help us track our activities, monitor our progress, and share with other likeminded persons to stay motivated. We can also use innovations to set and monitor our goals for things like weight loss.

Getting support from friends and family

We can draw support from friends and family on our fitness journey. Getting a workout buddy, who can be a friend, spouse, sibling, or a fellow trainee, can help to remain motivated and achieve your fitness goals.

Starting in small ways and improving

The small adjustments in our sleep pattern, workouts, and nutrition can have a great impact on our health and fitness, so we should start in the simplest way possible. Also, we need to keep challenging ourselves to give up old unhealthy habits and adopt new healthy ones.

In addition to proper nutrition and regular physical activity, consulting with professionals in a weight loss clinic can be a beneficial step for those looking to achieve their weight loss goals. These clinics offer specialized programs and treatments tailored to individual needs, making the process of losing weight more structured and effective. With support from medical staff, nutrition experts, and personalized plans, individuals can find the guidance they need to make sustainable lifestyle changes.


We can make the healthy choice the easy choice by ensuring we observe proper nutrition, have an active lifestyle, and get enough sleep. Some tips to help us achieve these goals are to use technology optimally, get help from friends and family, and start the fitness journey in the simplest ways and keep improving.