How To Use A 360° Assessment Tool For An Epic Performance Review

December 27, 2018 | Posted at 6:24 am | by Silvia (Follow User)

Are you planning to hire a new team of members who can help your business grow or you are planning to promote some of the capable employees already working for the organization, then you must choose a new way which is 360 degree feedback that offers the valuable outcome in less time span. If you are planning to use such type of option for the first time, then it is always better that you research and understand more about the concept before jumping on any kind of conclusion. The reason why such type of concept is trending nowadays is that of its extremely easy to use solution and the right analysis and approach which it gives for the growth and success of an employee.

Know more about the 360 degree feedback:

The concept of 360 degree feedback tool is not something new. Rather, it is also popular by the name of 360-degree performance review, by many people. The name itself suggest that such type of solution offers the most amazing feedback not just from the employee-supervisor but also from those customers, peers, and even vendors of the employees who have dealt with the person in a better way. It is advantageous for the manager to use it for knowing the clear insights of the employee to analyze on the performance from different perspectives.

To use this type of software is important for you to ensure there is no unfair judgment or the solution that is being passed to the candidate. This way, it lets you take a complete 360 degree review in completely digital manner. You can do ample of things with such tool. It helps you in creating a strong performance goal for the employee and even more things than that. If you have less than 5 employees then such type of software can be used absolutely free of cost. There are different companies creating such type of tool but if you want to customize it then a subject matter expert working on it can also help you pretty much clearly.

Conducting 360-degree feedback on the employees:

When you think of 360-degree feedback, you need to focus on the employees who would be getting the 360 degree feedback review as the circle center. Those people who are actually revolving around them in the office setting are always analysis the job performance of the employee. This may differ in a lot way right from the traditional performance review where the employers preferred reviewing the job performance of the employee. It is efficient, quick, effective and most of all it gives the most accurate results to the candidate.

However, before you start using it, it is important for you to understand that it need certain type of planning as there are ample of steps that needs to be done when coming up with traditional performance review.

This is basically a system of feedback where the entire organization evaluates a candidate. They can figure out the areas where they have gone wrong and take corrective measures in this regard though the feedback of the immediate boss does hold a lot of importance in the first place to be honest.

Know the reviewers:

In this section, you first have to be clear on who are the reviewers that are based on the work relationship of the employees to that of the org structure. In other words, it is important to be clear with who have got a clear insight for the performance of the employee. You may want to consider the 10 reviews that hold different perspective on the work of the employee to make sure there is a huge set of perspectives. This may include:

Manager of the employee: This person can be a reviewer and ideally that would be the time when the usual traditional performance review shall be put to a pause

The manager of the employees’: This can also be a person who can review if the person is pretty much aware and familiar with the work of the employee whose performance needs to be reviewed.

Supervisor if any: If the employee has been directing its report to the supervisor then such person can actually give you a strong insight of the employee effectiveness for the next level of the job role

Peers can be useful too: These are the people who might be working on more or less at the same level as that of the employee whose performance would be reviewed. You can look for their feedback on the employee since they are pretty much aware about what the requirements of the job are and whether the desired person is fulfilling it in a right manner or not

Cross-functional peers: these are the teammates with whom the employee might have worked on certain project for some span of time. You can invite such peer to review the job role, performance and results which the employee had given at that particular span of time.

Clients: If an employee had served certain clients or the primary head projects on which they worked closely with the head department then they can help you get a clear insight about the performance and work style of the employee.

Identifying the reviewers shall not be that difficult unless you know whom to target. Understand the fact that such type of review can only be useful if there are different mindsets to review the performance of the employee. A small organization may not have that enough staff for conducting such review. But it is always important for you to identify at least 10 reviews to make sure the feedback is aggregated. Of course at such time, survey made and the feedback received shall always be anonymous.

Such type of concept is trending and no doubt using it for your employees performance review can give you only ample of advantages. So make the best use of it and see the difference.