Why Problems Are Always Disguised As Opportunities For Personal Growth

June 1, 2018 | Posted at 8:03 am | by Tony (Follow User)

Live The Answers To Your Questions

“The pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity. The optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill

Problems can give rise to opportunities instead of setting you back and causing stress and worry.

Problems exist at the level of the mind.

The result allows a problem to overwhelm us, or in the case of successful people, become an opportunity to gain something.

This may seem to be over optimistic, but I would suggest the process of life is in fact opportunistic.

The universal energy of life is conspiring in your favour to bring you events and circumstances for your greatest good.

It is we that get in the way by limiting the level of fulfilment, abundance and prosperity readily available to us through disempowering thoughts and the accompanying emotions that go with them.

So if problems in your life are causing you concern, I invite you to see ways in which they may give way to possible solutions or opportunities?

It is difficult to come up with answers, yet if you contemplate enough, there are favourable opportunities even in the direst situations.

Problems arise as a way of signalling to you that your thought landscape is out of balance.

Remember, life is reflecting what you think about.

In order to change the circumstances of your life, look to your thoughts as a valuable tool to create your reality.

Favourable solutions must exist to complement the problem, since life is a reflection of dualities.

This is evident when you are stressed and anxious, via the two branches of your nervous system, which serve to regulate your heart rate.

Similarly, whilst your body is in a fight or flight response, your digestive system is inhibited to facilitate a much-needed blood supply to the peripheral organs.

In this way nature has a plan that serves to preserve the body’s systems without causing long term health concerns.

Life is what happens to you when you are busy making other plans, is a well-known song-line of John Lennon.

The creative force of the universe is forever working in your favour, but only once you let go and trust in the process of life.

Once you are able to do this, the problems become solvable, because the mind that created the problem is also capable of finding a solution.

It does not matter how long it takes to manifest the solution, but merely knowing it exists, is enough to create and invite the solution into your life.

Your life story is the product of the questions you put out into the universe, whether conscious or unconscious.

You are living the answers to your questions, for the universe is forever answering your questions if you choose to tune in to the frequency.


Be In A Receptive State To Receive The Answers

“The secret of success is to be ready when your opportunity comes.” — Benjamin Disraeli

To tune in to the correct vibrational frequency of the creative intelligence, it is essential you become the conduit for that energy to make its way into your space.

To do this, abandon all preconceived ideas, thoughts and perceptions on how solutions make their way into your life.

Surrender your attachment to the timing of how these solutions are received, for even that can derail the receiving process.

To start seeing the solutions, you need to create the mental space for these solutions, but also the emotional space from which possible solutions enter your heart space.

The creative intelligence of the universe is vested in love.

Therefore, all probabilities exist on a level of consciousness, which vibrates on a frequency of love.

What this means is that if your thoughts are out of alignment, and this relates to greed, anxiety, anger, jealousy or any other lower thought forms, you prevent a higher frequency aligned with love to make its way into your life.

My suggestion is to align with this vibrational frequency of love to receive the best possible solution to your problems.

One of my favourite sayings when I am in the midst of a problem is: “How would love respond in this situation?”

By viewing your problem from this higher perspective you invite a higher intelligence to find expression through the best possible scenario.

Let me reiterate: your logical mind cannot possibly create the perfect solution to your problems better than what the universal mind can.

To transcend your problem, invite this higher mind to create the best possible solution, without forming attachments to how and when it makes its way into your life.

Your job is to be open to receive and accept what shows up by letting go of preconditioned and preconceived ideas of what is deemed an effective solution.

The more you operate from this level of awareness and consciousness, the more solutions you invite into your life with least resistance.

All answers to problems exist on a level of awareness in space time.

All that is required is to dial into the frequency and be in a receptive state to receive the answers without casting judgements on how and when our problems will be answered.

Often, we assume our problems occur to hinder our progress or the universal life force is conspiring against us.

The truth is, any untoward circumstances or events occurring in our lives has been called forth to help and guide us along our paths.

For example, if you wish to be a successful writer, life will test you by presenting you with circumstances and events that test your resolve, to see how much you really want to achieve your goal.

Furthermore, to become a successful writer you must have the determination, patience and courage to pursue that desire.

What better way to test this inner resolve by presenting you with situations that allow inner growth?

Expect Situations To Unfold In Your Favour

“We often miss opportunity because it’s dressed in overalls and looks like work” ― Thomas A. Edison

The same scenario exists in all of life, particularly in the animal kingdom. If we look to young animals, such as tigers or lions, you will notice in order for the cubs to grow to mature hunters , they must face obstacles and challenges from an early age.

Mother Nature does not intend to overpower the young cubs. It does present circumstances that enable them to learn to fend for themselves, as inevitably they will need these skills to sustain life as mature adults.

Whilst I acknowledge this is an oversimplified view of Mother Nature, it represents a concept we can apply to our own lives.

Another example: Imagine for a moment you are looking for a new job, after finishing working in one that did not provide you with the creative space you required.

Whilst sending out job applications and resumes, there is the likelihood out of five applications, you might get knocked back four times.

On the surface, receiving four rejection letters can be daunting and self-defeating.

But what if I were to advise you, it will take another fifteen job applications to receive a further twelve rejection letters to arrive at the best job offer. Would you still proceed knowing this?

The point is, we do not have that information available to us. On the surface, rejection and failure can be disheartening, especially when we are eager and wish to get ahead in life.

But you see, the prize inevitably exists at the end of your search, it just took fifteen attempts and twelve rejections to find a job to your liking.

Successful people do not think in terms of good or bad situations, they suspend judgement until they have a complete picture of what is taking place.

Successful people, are subject to the same failures and setbacks as everyone else, it is just they do not interpret failures and setbacks as a dead end or give up.

They learn to harness the experience that becomes a valuable aid to help them create future possibilities.

Therefore, try to foster the same level of thinking by expecting situations to unfold in your favour.

Develop a strong and powerful conviction. This inner conviction is not concerned with the logistics, instead it requires fostering a deep knowing that everything is unfolding exactly as it should, even when things appear catastrophic on the surface.

Your single greatest success will come from your inner belief to continue on ahead irrespective of how many setbacks and failures you encounter.

Auto inventor Henry Ford said: “Whether you think you can, or you think you can’t — you are right.”

The truth of this statement exemplifies the essence that life supports you until you learn to align your thoughts with your deepest desires.

Life waits for you to take the first step, but irrespective of whether that step is a positive or a negative one, will determine what shows up .

It has taken some of the greatest and successful people on earth an entire lifetime to form themselves into the people they have become.

Whilst we like to think success can be attained more easily than this, the consequence is that anything that is easily attained may be easily lost.

Call To Action

To live a remarkable life, you must take consistent action in spite of your fears and doubts. Download your FREE COPY of my comprehensive eBook: NAVIGATE LIFE and embark upon your journey of greatness today!