We Need Everyone In Hollywood To Become A Rose McGowan

February 6, 2018 | Posted at 4:34 pm | by Emily (Follow User)

Long before the “#MeToo” movement and the “Time’s Up” pins, Rose McGowan was speaking up about her experiences with the sexual assault and harassment she faced in Hollywood and warned everyone about one powerful person who had raped her. At the time, as it goes with most young women who speak up about sexual assault, no one took her seriously. People rolled their eyes and claimed she was crazy. Even her acting manager dropped her. But that didn’t stop her. McGowan continued to fight and speak up about what happened to her despite the fact that it looked like people would never believe her.

Then Harvey Weinstein was exposed and the world rushed to support the victims and condemn the acts of Weinstein and every other powerful man who thinks they can get away with sexual assault. At this point, it would have been easy for McGowan to get angry that no one had been there for her when she needed it. But true to her fighting spirit, when this truth did come out, she didn’t point and cry “I told you so,” she continued to offer unrelenting support for the victims and demanded justice not only from those who took part in these acts, but had knowledge of them and took a passive role as well.

McGowan has taken to Twitter, and unlike before, people are now listening to what she has to say. She’s calling out the specific names of actors in Hollywood who knew about Weinstein’s actions; she’s encouraging women to continue to speak up and fight against sexual assault; and she is petitioning that Weinstein and Co. dissolve their board. Where McGowan was once on her own, she now has a legion of women, duly named the #ROSEARMY, standing behind her and fighting with her.

WATCH: Rose McGowan Speaks Publicly In Detroit

What McGowan has done for our society is incredibly inspiring and will hopefully set a new standard for Hollywood. In the future, actresses may no longer have to be afraid of speaking out about their experiences, and those who do speak out will not be shamed or dismissed as crazy. We need everyone in Hollywood to become a Rose McGowan and refuse to let injustices stand simply because of the influence these perpetrators have.

It’s time to stop dismissing victims and start placing blame where it truly belongs, and McGowan is ready to lead Hollywood there.